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What countries, not including or discussing the US, use torture for INTERROGATION?

I don't need to hear about the US's participation. But does anyone know which other countries reportedly use torture such as waterboarding or sleep deprivation as means of interrogation? Please cite your sources if you answer, this is for a paper and I can't quote "yahoo answers."


Also, if there happens to be a __/126 countries use torture as interrogation fraction anywhere, I'd love it.

Update 2:

Guys, I'm sorry, I really don't need information about the United States. ANY OTHER COUNTRY- I'd love to hear about.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    USA: The only country to support the execution of Japanese prisoners for waterboarding US troops following WWII, and then have their president turn around 60 years later and try to explain to the US public why waterboarding is OK.

    Thankfully the US is going down the tubes, so the rest of us won't have to put on a face about this nonsense for much longer.

    EDIT: Yeah, yeah. Way to knock us off the soap box.

    China is a legitimate answer.

    Source(s): Amnesty International report on torture in China:
  • 10 years ago

    It would be impossible to answer this question without mentioning the degradation of the USA's values into a potentially barbaric system.

    There are other nations that have not evolved to the level of civility the free world has, through the development of international laws ( , geneva convention, etc., and they do use torture which has been deemed illegal by developed nations.

    The USA almost took a complete slip into a level of barbaric thought and action, through devolution of civil law recognition. The USA military and various spy agencies will not function like pre-modern humans.

  • dawg
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Most do. The u.s.cant because pansy liberals would rather have our boys killed.

    Source(s): liberalism IS a mental dissorder
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