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What is the point of voting, mainly here in UK and USA?
When you vote someone, after getting in the office, he totally forget about you. when you say no to war or cuts, he just do it. So whats the point. I lost hope in voting and do not think I will ever voting again.
6 Answers
- Anonymous10 years agoFavorite Answer
theres no point in voting. its basically a scam to give people the illusion of control. First of all, its much too difficult to be an informed voter...second of all even if you are informed, politicians are clearly motivated by something other than their claims and promises.
I do not consider the US to be a democracy at all. Its clearly an aristocacy. I dont really have a problem with that because aristocracy is a pretty good government and democracy is terrible.
- Sirius Black™ ALv 710 years ago
You should vote, just because you have the basic privilege of being able to
I'm a girl and I vote, just to try to make a difference and the fact women have suffered for my right to vote.
- cheirLv 710 years ago
Cause by the vote they usually end up out of office - which is their whole reason for living.
- Take these WordsLv 710 years ago
What about other issues like gay marriage or abortion? What about propositions regarding how your tax money is spent?
People aren't the only thing we're voting for.
- Anonymous10 years ago
Ideologies, are important
if you don't vote, that makes somebody's vote with a different ideology count twice
America has never been so split over Ideologies as we are today