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Why do people say Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in Jesus?
Today I went to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses and I heard them saying very good things about Jesus and even commented from the bible verses (by the way this is something we don't do in my church, we just sit there and keep quiet). They also prayed through the name of Jesus christ.
I know the answer from atheists (there is no God), thank you and please give christians a chance to answer.
18 Answers
- grnlowLv 710 years agoFavorite Answer
That is something those of Christendom [meaning those religions claiming to be Christian but prove by their actions they are not] say to keep their people away from us. The clergy does not want anyone to know what the Bible really teaches. That would hurt their income personally and professionally, it would allow them to see the lies they have told for centuries.
This may sound harsh, but when something is true there is no harm in saying it. Indeed, saying it means life to those hearing it. Jesus showed the value of accurate knowledge in a prayer to God at John 17:3. "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."
Did you check out that this refers to two individuals? The sent one lesser than the one sending in terms of positions or rank. The comment on who Jesus prayed to is good. Jesus also told us, "If YOU loved me, YOU would rejoice that I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am. " (John 14:28) He never said they were the same person nor he was as powerful as his Father.
Yes, he did say they were the same. Fathers and sons are often the same. Same as in beliefs and attitudes plus viewpoints. It is Jehovah, the personal name of God (Ps. 83:18), who alone is the Most High God. He alone has no beginning nor end as Psalms 90:2 tells, "Even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God."
Jesus though was created by Jehovah. Colossians 1:15-16 shows him the only "begotten" or made by Jehovah God. "15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 16 because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him. "
Despite what other religions claim, this entire passage and those surrounding it are about Jesus. They tell he did have a beginning, unlike Jehovah. Jesus is special in many ways, but here special in being the only living creature in all the heavens and physical universe personally created by Jehovah. As this scripture shows, Jesus was used to make everything else in creation.
Now why would other so-called Christian religions both want Jesus to be the only name known and to remove the Most High God, Jehovah, from any consideration? The Bible answers this as well, "among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. " (2 Cor. 4:4)
Part of the reason Jehovah's Witnesses exist is to educate the population of the earth about the truth of the Bible. Accurate knowledge of the Creator and what both he has done and will do for humanity. Most importantly for today is that we are living in the last days of this wicked system of Satan's. Very soon, the Bible informs, Jehovah will take back the earth and restore his Kingdom rule over the entire planet. All traces of the old rule of Satan will be wiped off the earth. That also includes those who support any of it. Doing this work is required of true Christians.
"14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. .....19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matt. 24:14; 28:19-20)
24:14 is part of the signs of the final days of this system. 28:19-20 is part of the final command Jesus gave to his true faithful people before he ascended to heaven. These are not options. These are requirements. Ask yourself who is doing this work now consistently? With accurate knowledge? Who answers Bible questions only with the Bible itself?
It is only Jehovah's Witnesses. Much work is left to do and we would appreciate the help but none of those other religions claiming Jesus as Leader are willing to obey what he directs in the Bible. Neither do they have the proper knowledge to do this work.. Jehovah's Witnesses know the Bible. That point is admitted by most anyone.
- TJ Can't LoseLv 410 years ago
There's a lot of misinformation out there. Jehovah's Witnesses absolutely believe in Jesus, that he is "the way and the truth and the life." (John 14:6) But they do reject the so-called Trinity as unscriptural. This is why some think Witnesses don't believe in Jesus. But others have recognized that the Bible doesn't really teach the Trinity. For example, The New Catholic Encyclopedia admits:
"The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. But it is precisely this formulation that has first claim to the title the Trinitarian dogma. Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective."
This article explains why Jehovah's Witnesses, based entirely on Scripture, do not believe Jesus to be part of a Trinity God:
- 10 years ago
Jehovah's Witnesses have so many rumors and lies associated with their religion. Most popular are:
They don't believe in God.
They cut family members off for no good reason.
They worship the devil.
They knock on your door early in the morning waking everyone up.
They brainwash you with lies.
They make up their own beliefs.
Their bible isn't the King James, so its a fake bible.
They are boring because you cant celebrate birthdays and holidays.
......and the list goes on and on. People go out of their way to try and spread rumors and lies about this organization. I just don't understand! I'm not a witness but I have friends, coworkers, and neighbors who were Jehovah's witnesses, and they seem like nice people. Of all the religious groups, these people stand out to me by they way they talk, dress, and associate with one another.
Source(s): Personal Experience - HorsenseLv 710 years ago
To their way of thinking, Jesus is their God, He is separate & equal to God,
and those 2 plus the holy spirit are 3 Gods in one God . . .
"How Is the Trinity Explained?"
- "Beyond the Grasp of human Reason"
Whereas --to Jehovah's Witnesses-- Jesus is the *son of God Almighty*, no part of a trinity, nor equal to his Father. . .
In other words, they don't accept who Christ really is, according to what he himself says about who he is . . . But, since JWs do, they say that JWs don't believe in Christ---THEIR conception of Christ. Many do not examine the facts for themselves, & simply accept what they are told by those they trust . . . which often is that JWs are condemned to 'hell', & that anyone who listens to them will go there, as well.
Source(s): "Should You Believe Everything You Hear?" : - Propaganda Can Be Deadly - The Manipulation of Information - Do Not Be a Victim of Propaganda! - momLv 710 years ago
Jesus always prayed to his Father Jehovah in heaven and said he can not do anything without the Father. when Jesus was baptized, Jehovah came down like a dove and said this is my Son the Beloved. yes when we pray and at the end of our prayer in the kingdom hall or at home when we pray in private we always say in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN. we follow Jesus Christ command at Matthew 28 verses 19 and 20. so to answer your question, yes we do believe in Jesus Christ. people who know nothing about us, love to tell lies about us. to learn what Jehovah Witnesses are about please visit the website at
Source(s): proud to be a Jehovah Witness 21 years - Anonymous10 years ago
It's because people have been told lies about us and usually those lies are repeated by anyone who is gullible enough to believe them. Keep on seeking the truth for yourself and ignore the venom people spout off about JW's, especially here.
- 10 years ago
Misinformation leads some to believe that
Downright deception causes a few to spread lies about us
Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus ever claim to be God
In fact, he claims to be the SON of God.... which is why Jehovah's Witnesses believe that
- Anonymous10 years ago
They believe Christ was God's first creation [Rev.3:14]
- 10 years ago
It is false to say that Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in Jesus. They do, but no in the same way that a Christian does. They believe that he lived, died and rose again, but not that he was full God. There are many other difference but this is likely the biggest issue. It may have sounded better than where you are, but it is not a good place. If you are a Christian looking for a good church this this is a false cult, not followers of Christ. Keep looking. If I can help in you search drop me a line.