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Lv 4

Why atheists rush in when a christian tries to ask other christians a question?

When I try to ask christians serious questions, atheists rush in with their rubbish. when I say christians, I mean christians. If I want to ask an atheist, I will say it.

What the hell do atheists want. I don't know anything about politics and i would not try to answer anything with politics.

38 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Remember the parable about the sower and the seed. There are birds that will try to eat the seed before it can sprout, and they have been sent by the devil.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    According to studies, Atheists know more about Christianity and all religions for that matter than most Christians, I think it's because they naturally have a curious nature. Also, you don't have to choose politics or Atheism, so I don't get the equation there. I know more about all religions and much more about Christianity than any Christian I know. I'm born a Christian in a catholic Irish/Italian family. But I don't choose any organized religion. God created man, man created religion. I won't abide by man made rules only God's rules and I know there is a God because He/She exists in my life.

    So they probably know more than you and are trying to help answer your question.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    "What the hell do atheists want?" Well, I'd like atheist trolls to back off and let us atheists who are trying to establish a good name for atheism but christian trolls like to imposter atheists to make us look bad.

    When someone asks for christians only to answer. I'll look at it to see if its bashing atheists, if it is I'll join in since I'm involved in the matter. However, if it has nothing to do with atheists, I leave it to its peace. I find no joy in bashing others beliefs, however, I have the right to defend mine.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 10 years ago

    Because christians believe ridiculous things and stage serious protests regarding homosexuality and abortion etc.

    They believe the world was created in 6 days about 5000 years ago. that god purposefully put the tree of knowledge in the garden to tempt the child like humans. That a talking snake tricked the woman into eating the fruits. and because of that that sin is passed to all other humans that are born for all eternity. that god flooded the earth for its wickedness save noah and a ship of goody goody vegetarian animals. that noah cursed one of his son for seeing him naked and that son became the great ancestor of Afrikans.

    that sacrificing animals to god is only a symbol for 2000years until a guy comes along, walked on water, turned water into wine, fed 5000 people with two loaves of bread and some fish.

    and gets himself killed for the sins of mankind.

    Source(s): bible
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    If you want exclusively christian response you should go to a specifically christian only website which answers is not. Atheists want people to think rationally and so they answer questions in order to give you something to think about outside your faith. What has politics to do with this? Atheism is not that concerned with politics although the major faiths certainly are as it is how they have obtained their power and influence.

  • 10 years ago

    If you don't want atheists ot answer the exit is that way >>>>

    Go ask questions in a Christian member-only moderated forum.

    And BTW, atheists tend to know a lot about Christianity, and other theologies, this is often the reason that they are an atheist.

  • Wundt
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    You are asking a question on a public forum, just because you put "Christians only" in the question doesn't mean others cannot answer.

    There are thousands of Christians web sites that I am sure you can use to post your question to a largely Christians audience, go there if you are so easily offended.

    One important point... research shows that atheists are often better educated about religions than the practitioners of that religion, because we tend to make our decision not to believe based on knowledge. If you believe without question, you tend to stop looking for more information.

    Source(s): "The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible" M. Twain
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    "I don't know anything about politics and I would not try to answer anything with politics".


    Fact is, Atheists know more about religion than believers.


    Also, we're just expressing our point of view, on this open pubic forum. What you find rubbish is the truth :)

    Besides that, it's fun to piss people off!

    Source(s): Rationality
  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Now that we know it bothers you, we'll stop. Actually if you want to ask questions and only get the Christian side, you should go to a moderated forum that only allows Christians.

  • Dawn G
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Because atheists actually read the terms of service and are aware that ANYONE is allowed to ask and/or answer questions in any category.

    If you can't follow Yahoo's rules, you shouldn't play in Yahoo's yard!

  • We thought you might be interested in the truth.Sorry, my mistake. I should have known better that the truth doesn't concern you guys, only things that make you feel good. I don't sugar coat reality, so you are right, my answers aren't what you WANT to hear.

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