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What should I believe or do to become an atheist?
Richard Dawkin says he studied science to become an atheist. I have been studying science too, but I am still not an atheist.
11 Answers
- Anonymous10 years agoFavorite Answer
First of all, there is nothing you DO to become an atheist. No special initiation or magic incantation.
My suggestion would be to question everything. Read,read,read. Never accept someone else's answer as absolute. Do your own research and thinking to come to your own conclusions.
My questions started when I was younger and wondered why they never said anything about the dinosaurs when they told the story of Noah. And why, if we were all following the same god, were there so many different religious sects? And why did some of them not like each other? These early questions lead me to start reading more and I soon discovered my answers.
I tried to believe, especially in my first marriage. I thought it was what I needed to do to be a good husband and father. But it was not for me, it was not who I truly am.
As Dawkins points out, there is no need to apply labels to ourselves. I detest labels. I do not think of things in strictly black and white terms. Labels to me are too restricting.
Do not concentrate on becoming an "Atheist", concentrate on improving yourself in all areas of your life and being the best person you can be. If this leads you to being an atheist, so be it. If it leads you to being a born again christian, then so be it. One person's path to who they are is not neccesarily the correct path for another. Be who you are and find your own path to where you are supposed to be.
- ?Lv 510 years ago
You don't DO something to BECOME an atheist. You can't set out to, like you said, study science and expect to become an atheist because of that. If you do not believe in a god or that a god exists, then you are an atheist. How ever you come to that belief has nothing to do with it.. it's a pretty individual thing that varies from person to person.
- ?Lv 44 years ago
incorrect, atheists have self assurance organic reason and result resulted interior the universe, no longer a narcissistic schizophrenic good sized invisible sky fairy waving a magic wand, using fact the theists might have it. Theists declare this so observed as god created the universe from no longer something. as quickly as I went to kindergarten i grew to become into taught that a million + 0 = a million in no way 2, you're able to have a universe OR a god, yet no longer the two. a million + 0 would not = 2, ;) practising Shaman... quantum physics rocks
- ?Lv 710 years ago
Atheism isn't a belief, it's a LACK of belief. In "gods". I find Dawkins to be a bit of a pompous a$$. He studied science? I have a better way. Study scripture. That's how I became atheist.
- SiúlóirLv 510 years ago
Well, since atheism is not a religion, an atheist is not something you become in the same sense as you become a Christian or a Muslim. It's by giving up a faith that you become one.
- *Blessed*Lv 710 years ago
Maybe you're studying too hard? The more you learn, the more difficult it is to deny the existence of a higher intelligence.
- 10 years ago
You don't do anything to "NOT" believe in a magical invisible man in the clouds. It's the believing part where one must do something. Like abandoning all rational thought and logic.
- 10 years ago
apply your science to god. what evidence is there that a god is real?
if there is none (which there isn't) then why believe a god exists?