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Why are atheists on the religion and spirituality section of yahoo answer?
What they looking for in religion and spirituality questions. Shouldn't they be on anything that has nothing to do with belief and faith. When I try to ask my fellow christians a question, atheists answer. Why?
39 Answers
- ?Lv 45 years ago
you may replace your theory of what an atheist is!! avert the capture the christians set by ability of attempting to redefine and slur atheists!! ATHEIST - somebody who does not have faith in a God – any God – no longer basically the Christian one. yet that does no longer mean they do no longer carry good ethical or non secular ideals! they could stick to any faith that doesn't have a god and there are distinctive those!! Like BUDDHISM – non secular coaching from Buddha and his followers that by ability of destroying greed, hatred and fantasy (the reason of all suffering) guy can attain ideal enlightenment!! the place do you think of christianity have been given it quite is suggestions of a soul and afterlife from? They stole it from the pagan tribes and peoples which existed tens of hundreds of thousands of years till now christianity!! From the stone age by using vikings, Egyptians, Maoris, Aborigines, American Indians and exceedingly the chinese language, all of them had difficult funerals and grave products to velocity the soul into the subsequent existence with convenience!! Atheists could have self assurance, spirituality, actuality and each thing else that doesn't have a god!! upload christians and muslims at the same time and that they volume to basically decrease than a third of the international inhabitants the final public of the rest is produced from atheists and religions with out gods!! so as that they are interior the final public here!!!
- Randy PLv 71 decade ago
Discussions of religion and spirituality. This question gets asked many times per day.
People go to the Music section to discuss Music.
People go to the Physics section to discuss Physics.
People go to the Sports section to discuss Sports.
People go to the Religion section to discuss Religion.
And there is no internet forum anywhere, on any subject, where you can say "only a certain subset of the people on this forum answer". You will get answers from anyone interested in your question. That's just the way forums work.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
It's a public forum, and all new questions are posted in the Open Questions section, so it's not necessary to hang out in the Really Silly section. May I point out that there are believers on every section of the system...?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
There are some good discussions to be had. I like to do something more intelligent on yahoo than answer questions like "does she like me?!?!?!?" or, troll. As yahoo users we have as much right to be here as you do. By the way, sweet pea, there are many more religions on here than Christians so if you're looking to talk to Christians, go to a Christian website or forum, because even if there were no atheists here you'd still get answers from Islams, Buddhists, Pagan, Jewish, Wiccan, and countless other religons.
Source(s): Atheist - Miss GraceLv 51 decade ago
Why does this question get asked so often - can't you just do a search? It's been answered repeatedly already.
There is nothing written in Y/A that you have to be a believer to post here, and bear in mind that you are atheist to all other religions bar your own, I believe that no gods exist - that's only one more than you.
Plus you asked a question of atheists - expect to be answered.
Plus *drink* ~hic~
- ?Lv 71 decade ago
Because they want to discuss and debate religion. Just because it's "religion and spirituality" doesn't mean it's PRO for both. It means discussing religion and spirituality, and Christians come to discuss why it's real, and atheists come to discuss why it's fake.
- 1 decade ago
God has his ways to getting his word out to the world. This is one of the ways. We believer's come on here to tell them the truth. They don't realize that he is the one leading them here. To hear about him & his words. He also hopes they will change their ways in thoughts. The sad thing is, All he wants us to do is what is right and to love one another. Don't be upset the questions you ask, & the answers you get are most definitely putting his word out there.
- torpex2002Lv 71 decade ago
The internet will be the undoing of wishful thinking myths.
Blissful ignorance has nowhere to hide, and you dont get some monopoly over what is stated as true.
Last time I checked, this is a public site, so best you find somewhere else.
- PyriformLv 71 decade ago
For the same reason as anybody else, to share my views on religion and spirituality. I am sorry that these views are so uncomfortable that you do not think they should be heard.
- The_Doc_ManLv 71 decade ago
We very carefully offer viewpoints of reality uncolored by the biased viewpoints of clergy or religious fanatics. Specifically including that we are NOT raving fundamentalists.