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Which God do you pray to?
As you know there are 1000s of gods out there, examples, satan is named the god of the world in the bible, there is baal, moleck, allah, Jehovah, Buddha and many many more. So, which one do you believe and pray to.
16 Answers
- agapeLv 51 decade agoFavorite Answer
Psalms 83:18 in most bibles tells us the name we should pray to may have to look in the older bibles
- ?Lv 51 decade ago
I'm wiccan and I follow the Goddess and God, but I wanted to point out that your secondary part of your question has a flaw.
The Buddha was not a a god, and is not a god. He was a man, stated he was a man, and made his wishes clear he did not want to be worshiped, just his teachings should be honored and used to find enlightenment. that is all.
- Richard MLv 71 decade ago
Since you asked about God with a capital G then you must be talking about the only God. The God of Jesus. The God of Abraham. which the Jews and Muslims also worship.
- Andrea McCormickLv 41 decade ago
I don't pray.... I used to pray to "God the Father" when I was Catholic. However my views have shifted and my new beliefs do not require prayer. And no, I am not atheist.
And just a note, Buddha never wanted to be held as a god because he knew he wasn't. Just wanted to add that tidbit.
- 1 decade ago
I pray to the same God whom the Lord Jesus prayed to, and to Whom Jesus taught us to pray:
"Our Father who are in heaven." (Matthew 6:9, 10)
Who is "our Father in heaven"? The Bible answers:
"But now, O Jehovah, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand." -- Isaiah 64:8, American Standard Version
Source(s): The HOLY Bible - Anonymous1 decade ago
I'm a Wiccan but I also go to Catholic church! Really I just pray to the spirit of nature :D
Source(s): my beliefs - Anonymous1 decade ago
Allah has many names.
Allah is arabic.
in english we call Him as God
in French Dios
- the ChristianLv 71 decade ago
The God of abraham, issac, and Jacob....the one true God.
God loves you......God bless
- Anonymous1 decade ago
The only one, true living God. Jesus Christ is His name and He is my Savior and Lord.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Parm be upon him.