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Lv 6
deva asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 1 decade ago

Ukrainian family name...... translates as 'Home' in English?


i don't know the Ukrainian name, only that in English it means 'home'; Koti in Finnish. my great grandfather was from Ukraine. he and my great grandma weren't married, so his name isn't in the records. grandpa took his mother's name.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Khata ('huh-tah <= pronunciation)

    Source(s): Living in Ukraine
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you mean Головна? g-o-l-v-n-a? / h-o-l-v-n-a? is that the Ukrainian last name? well seems like your translator might have messed up and gave you the closest thing to it, I had a translator that did that to me, no wonder they stopped selling those calculator-looking ones... it would help us answer the question if you put down the Ukrainian family name if that is not it...

    hmm.. also it doesn't say anything on the last name in Google.

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