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Makeup advice for brown eyed blonde?
I'm pale, have short dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes. they're kinda medium brown with dark brown flecks. no green or blue or anything. i would love some makeup tips, how to make me eyes pop. i am willing to try anything, but is color best? or should i go for more browns? natural? insane? haha, help!(:
5 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
Go to walmart or target and thee are sections in Almay makeup that is makeup specially made for people with brown eyes or hazel or brown or blue! That's where I get mine from and it really works! Good luck (:
- 1 decade ago
I think a sking tone glitery color would highlight your eyes.
And it doesn't have to be really glittery. The amount of glitter depends on the amount of eyeshadow.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Purples and greens make brown eyes pop. Use black mascara. It works for everyone. ;)
- 1 decade ago
well i think purples and blues would be pretty however they can be really hard to pull off. i love this look:
I think those colors would work good and it just seems like you could really pulll of some crazy exotic colorful looks :)
- 1 decade ago
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