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Should colleges that ban Military Recruiters be banned from receiving any type of Federal money?

I am reading a book called " War Crimes" by author and retired AF Lt Col Robert Patterson. In it. he describes the vicious treatment of the military on the "Big League" college campuses. Since the military is part of the government, the colleges are failing to follow federal guidelines concerning the accessibility of the recruiters, I feel they should not receive any type of federal money, including grants, tuition aid,and federal scholarships.


As of 2007, the City of San Francisco ,Ca does not allow ROTC groups in any schools in their system. This is only one of the school systems that do this

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I'd advocate for that.

    Kind of sick that Citibank, Visa, et al. can set up shop to give kids credit cards on most campuses during orientation but our country's military can't have recruiters there. Credit card companies = profit vampires/profit zombies. Military = an actual opportunity and the guarantee of valuable service.

    Says more about the politics of the places than anything else.

    @Kirby: Recruiters rarely lie. Recruits much more often either fail to listen entirely or choose to selectively listen. Behind virtually every recruiting horror story is an entitlement complex, an ignorant recruit who fails to read paperwork or do research, a recruit who joins for money and/or benefits alone, etc. People who rag on recruiters really grind my gears.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The supreme court decided a few years ago that Federal money can be with withheld for colleges that fail to allow Military recruitment.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the law that any college that bans military recruiters may not receive federal money.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Mrsjvb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    it already is from Public educational institutes.

  • Dena K
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No because ultimately it would be the students, including students who are veterans, that will suffer the consequences.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes, only the war machine should get money regardless of what they do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe if the recruiters were more honest in their methods they would be more welcome on campuses.

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