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Is have a "Dove Release" at your wedding something brides would be interested in?

My daughter and I have thought of a small business idea and wonder if having white doves released at or after a wedding, is something that Brides might be interested in.

It is beautiful when a flock of Doves is realeased at the end of a Garden Wedding or at the doors of the Church after a wedding, but we don't know if it would be popular or not.

Here are a couple of websites with info ..... - do the prices seem reasonable? - here is a video - here is another video

Thanks for your help!


EDIT: The "Doves" are actually white homing pigeons, which are kept as our pets, and which, when released circle a couple of times overhead, then head for home and their dinner - they are only in the baskets for as long as it takes to get to the wedding, which in our case would be less than an hour, and when released, they fly home.

It isn't illegal where we live in Canada.

Update 2:

We also keep goats and a dog as pets and we have a cat, I'm not sure how providing a service, for those who want it, could be considered "abuse". Homeing Pigeons are well cared for and carefully bred and vaccinated.

I had hoped for educated answers, thanks to all who answered.

Update 3:

There are bridal couples who want a "Horse & Wagon" ride to and from their wedding venue, I don't think of that as inhumane, just the bride's dog that was dressed as a little "groom" was inhumane (a little odd, for sure, but not inhumane), and in some countries Pigeons are viewed as vermin, as there are so many of them, however, keeping them and breeding them is an acceptable hobby for millions of people world-wide, and the question was "Would you be interested in this service at a wedding".

Thank you for your input, even if some of you were rude.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is generally regarded as inhumane. I've also heard it's illegal in some states, but I can't confirm that.


    wait, so you want to keep pigeons as pets? The disease-infested rats of the sky? And you want me to have them at my wedding, and spend hundreds of dollars on them?

    Maybe you can also make a business out of dressing up homeless men as priests and rent them to weddings too.

    Umm, no thanks. I'm all set.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't be interested in it at all.

    I generally find the practice to be cruel. Animals should be kept as companions or working animals on farms & such -- not for the wedding industry or anyone to make any sort of profit off of them.

    While I do find your idea of these being homing pigeons to be slightly less undesireable than real doves that can't fend for themselves and won't find their way home -- I still don't like it.

  • 1 decade ago

    We saw this at a wedding fair when we were planning ours - to be honest, the price that they were wanting to let doves (pigeons) out just to circle and fly away was extortionate - however nice it may have looked, it just wasn't worth it at all

    Weddings are expensive enough; this just wasn't something I'd consider

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is immature and tacky.

    Yes it is inhumane and cruel.

    Doves can barely fly compared to other birds, even if they are homing doves they are not likely to actually MAKE it home due to predators, weather, buildings, etc. Frequently they get lost in cities, and have no understanding of how to get food or fend for themselves.

    Yes, it is illegal in Florida, as are butterfly releases.

    No, you should not do this. It's a terrible idea.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, I just see this service as just another way to get a bride to spend more money on top of more money. For goodness sake, weddings are expensive enough, now we have to bring in caged animals? Enough already.

    No offense, really. I just see such flagrant unnecessary spending for a four hour party that is forgotten by most and remembered by only a few. The bridal industry is going way over board as it capitalizes on the emotion of young inexperienced brides to get them to want and pay for it all.

    And now, birds are being captured, caged, transported and traumatized for the sake of a romantic look after finally being released?? Think about that!!!

    No, this is not a good business idea.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is something that I would not do. It would only increase the cost of the wedding. However, as to being cruel, I do not know enough about the way it is done to comment.

  • I would never consider exploiting any animal for a wedding 'look', be it bird or butterfly.

    Homing pidgeons= NYC free range 'chickens' lol...

    Any bird not properly cared for and allowed to roam in huge numbers is a pest, not just pidgeons.

    Source(s): Grew up in NJ and lived for many years in NY (pidgeon capital of the USA-lol)
  • 1 decade ago

    I think its cruel.

    And also, a little weird. Birds flying out from my wedding? I dont know where people got the idea that this is beautiful, but I just dont see it.

  • Blunt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is unethical and cruel.

    No one thinks that animal abuse is "cute", nor anyone would care to have animal cruelty to frightened, disoriented, caged living beings to be displayed at their wedding!

    A W F U L!

    ETA: Yeah, like knowing that those poor animals have to be starved and caged so they are forced to fly for hours to find their way to their food is comforting.

    This is DISGUSTING!

    You make me SICK. Shame on you!

  • Jenx
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think it's quite tacky and immature, something a little girl may want but not a grown up couple.

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