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Do you have the best recipe for homemade Burger?

Place a star if you think yuor recipe is better.

Most Thums up will compete for the best burger.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Patty Mix:

    1 Lb Ground Bison

    1 Egg Yolk

    1/4 C Diced Green Onion (scallion)

    1T cilantro

    1/4 C - 1/2 C Crumbled Bleu Cheese

    splash of balsalmic vinagrette

    dash of sea salt

    dash of crushed red pepper (or more if you like spicy)


    Bacon (preferably thick-cut)

    Sliced fresh button mushrooms & chopped/sliced vidalia onion - put these together in foil, along with a couple tablespoons of butter, wrap loosely and grill (put them on grill before the burgers)

    Grill burgers, add toppings, serve on a kaiser roll (or whatever kind you like). MMM, nummy

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I mix rosemary, thyme, pepper and usually throw in something like mrs dash into turkey burger.

    Its pretty good, but I have never done it with beef burgers... I dont eat beef very much, so I do it all with turkey.

    I just sprinkle a bit on as I am patty-ing it out, and then sprinkle some in the pan before cooking it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best burger ever is good quality ground bison, salt and pepper. That's it. Add lettuce and tomato if you want, but the meat should shine. Don't cover up the flavour of the meat with ...stuff... The point is a delicious burger, not a bunch of condiments.

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