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Droid "Alchemy" app help?
so i just downloaded this new app for my droid where you drag the 'elements' on each other and make 'creations.' i have 'discovered' 43 combinations of the elements, but there are 270. does anyone hae a list or some way to unlock all of them? like a cheat sheet sort of thing where it says what to combine to make what... for all 270... THANKS!! 10 points best ansr.
2 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
This is what I have so far... (117/270)
1up,air, alcohol, alcoholic, algae, arms, ash, assassin, bacteria, barbecue, beast, beetle, bicycle, bird, blood, boat,boiler, brick, cart, cheese, chicken, clay, cloth, clothing, corpse, damn, diet, dust, earth, egg, electric eel, electricity, energy, explosion, feather, fire, fire elemental, firearms, fish, fisherman, flower, fondue, forest, fish, fisherman, flower, fondue, forest, Frankenstein, frog, fruit, geyser, ghost, glass, golem, grass, grave, grove, gunpowder, hourglass, hunter, hydrogen, lamp, lava, lichen, life, livestock, lizard, man, Mario, meat, metal, milk, mite, mold, Molotov Cocktail, moss, mud, mushroom, omelette, oxygen, oxyhydrogen, ozone, peat, phoenix, poison, poisoned weapons, pressure, rust, sailboat, sailor, sand, sandstorm, scotch whiskey, seed, silicon, smoke, snake, soldier, steam, stone, storm, sulfur, sushi, swamp,time, tool, tree, turtle, typhoon, vodka, volcano, water, whale, wheel, wind, wood, wool, worm, yogurt, Yoshi, zombie.
A few items that I am aware of but have figured out how to make... car, gasoline,sandwich, sun, combustible engine, McDonald's, bread
- sαяαh αshℓєчLv 51 decade ago
What's the point of having the app if you're just going to read everything off of a list?