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Abercrombie&Fitch dress questions?

Hi so I really like this dress :

If you cant see this link, i posted a picture of it on this site:


1.I would like to order it online, except Im not sure if its too short.

Im 5"8 and I measured myself and apparently the XS is good for the bust, but im not sure about the length, so has anyone bought it and could please tell me?

2.I live in Canada, so how many days would it take for delivery?

3.Do you find it cute? And which colour do you prefer it in?

Thankss :)

P.S: please no rant about how you hate A&F, i like it and i dont care about your opinion on how you hate it.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i have had stuff shipped before to canada, don't pay the extra for next day shipping as it still comes the stay time as normal shipping. i thinks its about 5 working days. that dress is super cute and i am sure it will be fine on you, me on the other hand at 5'11 might be a bit short.. lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like it, dont worry about it being to short. Thats how their cloths fit

  • 1 decade ago

    i personally think that dress is really expensive, but it is really really cute. lol. i like the blue floral color and i would maybe get a size small.

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