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Is this a sufficient scientific explanation for paranormal phenomena?

Here is my theory. I will introduce some scientific axioms which should prove the possibility of ghosts and ESP.


1) Energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only be altered..

2) Electricity is the energy that animates the human body.

3) When a person dies, the energy cannot be destroyed so it must be changed or remain the same.

4) It is a known fact that an energy field can leave a residual trace of itself. That can be detected by sensitive equipment and even some people and animals are sensitive to these fields.

5) If the energy remains, why would it not be possible for the energy to retain a similar form to its original body? If it is not altered it must retain its original form.

6) Thought is the reaction of electricity in neurons in the brain.( There is that energy again).

7) As I have established, the energy must change, or it must remain the same.

8) If the energy remains, it is possible for that energy to remain sentient( since it can't be destroyed,it can remain the same).

This would allow the possibility ( maybe even require ) ghost to exist.( conservation of energy)


1) See # 1 above.

2 )See # 6 above.

3) It is well known an energy field can have a major effect on physical structures. Magnets can attract many types of matter( even moving them, from a distance). Light bulbs can be lit just by placing the in an electrical field.

4) Energy can be transmitted through air and even empty space(radio waves are a good example,as are light waves)

5) Since we have established #s 1,2,3, and 4 as scientific fact, it is not unreasonable to assume the energy in the brain could be transmitted outside the brain.

6) If the energy could be transmitted outside of the brain, it is not unreasonable to believe it could react with other energy fields and even physical matter.

7) If that happens, we have ESP in all its forms, even precognition.

8) Time is a dimension just like height,length, and width. Since energy can traverse the other dimensions, it is logical to assume it can traverse time also.

This should prove the possibility of ESP( again may even require it)

There, long winded I know, is a scientific consideration of paranormal phenomena. While it does not provide absolute proof, I feel is gives a basis for the scientific study of these manifestations.

I would encourage responses, indicating if my method is correct or not correct. Please no irrational answers. I have presented a carefully thought out theory and would like carefully thought out responses. Thank you for your time.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your post n answers were so long I got lost.........

    But I do believe in ghosts for one reason--I've seen them.

  • eri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1. Energy CAN be created and destroyed, through conversion to and from mass. They are interchangeable. But the total energy content of the universe (counting all mass in rest energy form) is constant. However, that doesn't support ghosts in any way. Energy isn't an actual thing, it's a property of matter.

    2. Not true. Humans eat food which they convert to energy. I'm not sure where you got this from, but it's very wrong.

    3. Yep. Some energy is radiated away in the form of heat (bodies cool after you die) and most just stays there in the mass, which can be burned to get some of the energy back.

    4. No, that's not a fact. Again, not sure where you're getting this, but it's nonsense.

    5. No, it doesn't remain, and again, energy isn't an actual thing.

    6. It's transmitted like that, yes.

    7. Not really, no.

    8. Energy is not sentient. That's a huge jump. Everything has energy - does that mean everything is sentient?

    OK, so you haven't managed to prove ghosts.

    Brian waves terminate a few millimeters above your skull. That's been tested. There's no evidence ESP exists, and therefore no need to try to explain it.

    But the main thing here is that if you want to show something paranormal exists, no scientist is going to listen to arguments. We've heard them all, and most of them are flawed, like yours. What we want is evidence. And that, you haven't got.

    Source(s): scientist
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hello Dean, Well, there are people of other religions who also have direct personal experinces with their deities, so it's not just Christians, and it doesn't always come from prior expectations. For example, I was an athiest for many years until the Goddess began to communicate with me. I doubted it was genuine for a while, but eventually came to understand that it was. That's why I became a Priestess. As to spirit-energies, they are a very well known phenomena, seen by many people, and many of them were total skeptics prior to the experience. I have personally seen this sort of thing happen, and watched people completely change their view of the universe as a result. So my answers is no, it's not just believers who can have a paranormal experience. It may be rare and there's a lot of nonsense in the media about it, but I believe that genuine experinces do occur. Of course, those are the ones nobody wants to talk about, and they don't get put on TV. If you're judging by what you've seen on TV or in crackpot religions, I can understand your skepticizm. Blessings, Jean

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, what this usually boils down to is the inability to accept death, the fact that we and the people we know must cease to exist. That is natural and makes you and me and other people biased to begin with. There's a strong self-interest in life "after" death thus we actively seek to find a solution to that problem, blinding us from the more plausible.(well we never die according to your theory, do we?).

    Your explanation is a mixup - of scientific knowledge and your hope of a life after death, your beliefs and your misunderstanding of some scientific ideas. In no way does it "require" the existance of ghosts.

    See the difference between life, thought, energy, brain etc. You draw logical conclusions that are false. You fail to acknowledge the fact that the electricity in our brain becomes useless without the brain, that is VERY important. The brain/body is the controlling structure but also the creator of the electrical activity, without it it will stop. Without the body where would the energy go and how/where would it function since it is created by and FOR the body/brain?

    Also, the electricity in our bodies/brain is not a "static field" of energy that could be transfered, copied or even described. What it really is is billions of IMPULSES of electricity with a limited potential and "lifespan" emitted by the cells in our body. You can effect the electrical activity by changing the electrolytical balance in the body, then you can become sick. (Dehydration for example).

    I think that is enough to show that your theory is very far from showing that those two PF is possible. The more plausible exlanations can be found in psychology.!

    Ps: Using your logic a lightbulb could be a thinker?



    Your "explanation" is not scientific. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Energy is lost to entropy (destroyed). It's the second law of thermodynamics.

    #8. People are sentient, energy is not. A radio wave is not self aware.

    Your hypothesis needs a little work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Facts 2 3 and 4 are wrong I'll get back to when I have read more.

    5 6 and 8 are also false.

    And 5 6 7 8 in the second ESP list are also false.

    The problem is that your argument is full of fallacies and even 'beliefs' so it is not a cogent argument for anything.

    (For example, Time as a dimension is not equivalent to those of space). Have you ever tried moving backward through time- though you would have no problem in moving in any direction in space. This is just one example of fallacious reasoning)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Regardless of the points that you have made your idea has one critical flaw. If a human were to die then what would give the energy coherence?

    Without an additional factor that you have not accounted for any energies within a human would dissipate upon death.

  • Dude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    no, the brain is required to hold the "energy" coherently. Left over infrared heat from a body is not a personality in any way shape or form.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hints unto this you type or speak of can be found in High School and College level Physics yet if myself dont spell it correct my fellow Proffessor's of Fizziks or Phisic's would shun me mei & spanish M i .it boils down unto sumthing known as Matter and Anti matter which is the reverse of Solids.the other part relates unto star trek life fOrms and Titles for said or sed Life + = plus form spelt as we speak the word f O r m ntice the big letter's position.Ghost also means Worm or serpent shaped creature life fOrm.lest spelt with all Capital Letters G H O S T .the next part involves faith: Having advanced Knowledge in the fact that Life & Strife lead unto Destiney which also means Fate .Death Ends where ( ? ) y = Life + Birth Place multiplied by Begins= Time this is where the Tik Tauk of Lifes Journey Starts apon our Clocks and counting devices & = and Life ends when [?] minus place + Time : in math ,Science and Star Trek space age minded fOlks terms.this is when and Where you and I no longer exist as Flesh nor as Spirit.which is the Matter and which is the Anti Matter parts of our selfs.this is covered with in College level Quantum Physic's class studies of point to point energies movment matter regeneration and Laws of Phisic's first year entry level also teaches like minded sources.yet remember Public schools do not always teach the truth not does or duz Private schools.both the Hot + post and Negitive post apo your car Battery repell each other or c generate a Huge Spark when touched together = thus Oposited do not always attract like we wrere taught during our school years.phisics is A great way or method to Prove that you and I continue should our flesh fOrms Die = parish and no exist again = methods in physic hint to anti Karma or the chances of not being reborn into Flesh again post Death.our spirit is Anti matter plus Electricity and sum thing that resembles the Haunt Fog or known as London Fog.this like Carbon Dioxide can jell over and become just as solid as our flesh fOrms.yet it's not the same thing.yet in your and myselfs Science (Yes) we hath methods of Proving we shalt not merley ( exist ) yet Thrive az Living Beiyeingz with the Wisdom embedded in our Spook' , S o u l, & Spirit's WisdOm StOrage devices, Meaning = already exist both as Fleh or Matter and as our our Anti matter Bodies Baudeiz spelt correct B a u plus d e i z or b a u d e i like unto the wOrd warsau w a r s a u .

    Source(s): Physics and main stream Science wisdOm.
  • Dr. NG
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You've decided something is true. To prove it you're molding theories and misinterpreting facts. You need to add up the evidence and go where it takes you, not where you want it to go. An open mind is a must.

    By the way, as a military veteran I thank you for your support.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh boy where do I start.


    3) when the person dies, the electricity is no longer there as it is produced by firing of neurons, which - you guessed it - died.


    5) Yes, yes it is unreasonable.

    Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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