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I have low blood pressure, and was told its not a big deal?

Hi have low blood pressure... as in 85/60

doctor said this can be normal for a smaller person (5 3 and 115lbs)

I also have pelvic congestion syndrom, which means i have big juicy vessels of blood in my pelvic area that cause me pain....

I asked if low blood pressure could be caused by or be causing or connected to it and hahaha no they said, right..... cause blood pressure has nothing to do with blood moving and collecting because its not getting pushed out :(

what do you think??

Oh and i have low K+ (potassium)


so i guess a third doctor is in order.....

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your doctor should do more of a work up, including looking for endocrine problems like thyroid disease. They really don't know what causes PCS.

    There can be a correlation of low blood pressure, dehydration, and low potassium and thyroid disease. You might try increasing your fluid intake, water. Try pear juice which has potassium. See if your blood pressure comes back up. (Get a meter at any mart type store or drug store.)

    If that doesn't help, ask your doctor to refer you to an endocrinologist, or at least do some tests.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your doctor is right that a lot of times smaller people have low blood pressure. I am an RN and I see quite a few blood pressures that are that low. If that is the norm for that patient then I do not get concerned. So dont worry unless you are getting symptoms that your body is telling you your blood pressure is too low....such as dizziness, fainting, sudden dizziness when getting up from a lying/sitting position, fast heart rate (above 100 beats per minute), weakness.

    Potassium is not something to mess is critical for your heart and other muscles and abnormal levels could cause an irregular heart beat. Did your doctor say it was abnormal or was it on the low side of normal?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you have low K+ , your doctor should have prescribed something for you. do not take OTC

    potassium supplements as they may cause ulcers or bleeding. eat bananas or drink orange

    juice. 85 seems on the low side. when i worked at a student health service, it was not unusual for women to have a BP of 100/65. here's what medicinenet has to say about low BP:

    Low blood pressure (hypotension) is pressure so low it causes symptoms or signs due to the low flow of blood through the arteries and veins. When the flow of blood is too low to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to vital organs such as the brain, heart, and kidney, the organs do not function normally and may be permanently damaged.

    Unlike high blood pressure, low blood pressure is defined primarily by signs and symptoms of low blood flow and not by a specific blood pressure number. Some individuals may have a blood pressure of 90/50 with no symptoms of low blood pressure and therefore do not have low blood pressure. However, others who normally have high blood pressure may develop symptoms of low blood pressure if their blood pressure drops to 100/60.

    if worried, get a 2nd opinion.


    Source(s): Pharmacist
  • 1 decade ago

    low blood pressure is as bad as high see a doctor

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