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=(o)= asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 1 decade ago

What is your opinion on people trying to fit the mold?

My friend and I decided most of the people in our class fit a "mold" of a 'perfect' lemming. They are afraid to step out of do anything crazy. I brought in some insanely bright and colorful and spaztastic shoes and they were like, "Wow, thats so you..." in a negitive way. I do my best to break the mold. lol. I just wanted to know how many of you know people like this, how many of you are these people, and what your opinion is about them.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago

    U know I can be like that. A lot of the times when I'm not around that kind of people Im myself. But when I around them I try to myself but similar to them I hope that sense

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