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Spiny Norman asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

Has the RSPCA finally lost it ?

I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! winner Gino D'Acampo and Stuart Manning face charges of animal cruelty after cooking and eating a rat in the show.

This organisation used to help animals. all they seem to want now is money and publicity. You try calling them out for an injured seagull !

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't believe the "celebrities" if you can call them that should be prosecuted but the show should be responsible and stop using live animals in such a cruel way. Yes its a rat but what if it was a kitten? There would be uproar. Its still a live animal and we shouldn't lower ourselves to kill any animal for entertainment purposes

    It might encourage youngster to think they can kill defenseless creatures. The RSPCA is right to draw attention to the cruelty issue in my opinion.

  • 5 years ago

    The RSPCA do not really care for animals in my opinion, they are mainly interested in making money from suing people.

    The fact is that in the old days if you were poor you put money in a box, either RCPCA or PDSA and they treated your much loved pet instead of taking you to court for neglect.

    It's all very well for Rolf Harris to slag people off for not being able to afford the treatment their pets might need. The majority of us cant afford £500 vet bills.

    I would like to see the RSPCA providing treatment to animals who's owners have fallen on hard times and not acting as a lynching party for so call animal lovers.

    And on your point. The rats eaten were not cuddly pets but vermin and the RSPCA should have nothing to do with this or many of the other causes they have sought to prosecute for. They should get real and start to care for our animals in a practical and constructive way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know its Absolutely crazy, it was a wild rat n more to the point pet rats don't have much meat on them as they say.

    I once called the SSPCA about an injured swan it fishing hooks all in its mouth and down its throat and couldn't stretch its neck because of fishing line wrapped around its neck. they weren't interested at all n hung the phone up on me. by luck i knew a few of the fishermen that was fishing the loch an got their forceps of them and got it out the water and took the hooks out myself and got the line all off it, whilst getting so much grief off passers by saying i was hurting the swan. these organisations really need to get a grip if you ask me its turning into more of a money making scheme for them and they just attend what they please.

    and its essential for us to eat meat i never did understand vegetarianism. weird!!

    Source(s): fellow angler hnd animal care student!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rats housed fleas, between them they were resposinble for wiping out half of europe!

    they cant be too picky.

    what about all the things they had to eat in the trials? & as i remember the killed it as humanley as they could. yes the RSPCA has lost it.

    & u have made an error, there is no such bird as a seagull, it is simply a gull. they do not live out to sea, they stay on the shore, ie. the land.

    Source(s): Qi
  • 1 decade ago

    The rat was supposedly a pet because a wild rat would not have let him pick it up like that, whereas a wild rat would have at least tried to run away.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its not alright to kill and eat a rat, but its alright to bite the heads off witchetty grubs and eat other insects alive. all animals have the right to live and i believe that if you dont have to, you shouldn't end a life. i also believe that if you are going to kill and eat an animal you should do all you can to respect that animal in life and death. as far as i'm concerned, that rat was killed quickly and respected through death as it was in life. it was eaten because they were hungry, and you cant deny that people have done things like this b4.

    EDIT: quack, i get what you are saying but you have one thing wrong, insects ARE animals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    They eat INSECTS on the show!!

    I know these aren't exactly animals but charging them for a rat?

    Charge I'm A Celebrity for insects,

    Its stupid

  • jonboy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Both D'Acampo and Manning are to be prosecuted,for their part in killing the Rat more publicity for the R.S.P.C.A.

    Source(s): jny
  • 1 decade ago

    well thats something i didnt know, but wasnt it a wild rat. although im sure most of the rats they use are tame. ive seen a few rats on the show that have white patches on their backs, some have white stomachs.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The R.S.P.C.A. Lost it a long time ago.they are only interested in anything that gives them the greatest publicity.

    Source(s): ccc
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