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Do you think I have style?

Okay, so I know I like fashion, and Im pretty sure I have good style. But I was wondering what you guys were thinking. So, everyday I would wear:

- short Trench coat

- ankle slouch boots (its already cold here)

-light scarf tucked in trench coat

What I wear under:

Version 1:

-Skinny Jeans

-T-shirt (usually from A&F or American Eagle)

-Sweater (ditto)

Version 2:

-T-shirt / Cami

-High waist skirt (Usually from Forever21)



Version 3:

-Skinny Jeans


-Cardigan (A&F, Sirens, American Eagle)

Thanks! And just be honest! :)


Oh, I want you guys to answer if I have style, not wich version is better, the versions are what I would wear different days of the week. :D

Update 2:

Oh, also, you can give me tips Im 5"7 and Im skinny! I will stop adding additional details now.:P

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, well I work as a Personal Stylist, and went to school for Fashion Merchandising, so I will say that yes you have style. You might want to try to add some flavor to the mix and not wear things that are so generic like A&F. Try putting some funkier pieces in the mix. Add a bright color scarf with an all black outfit. Wear things that accentuate your personality, so that you're not blending in as much. Try shopping at more small boutiques.

    But, Yes, you definitely do have style. Also, throw some boot-cut jeans in the mix. Skinny is always good, but a nice boot-cut with a nice wedge, or stiletto also looks really nice with a great top and great accessories.

  • 1 decade ago

    i like it

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