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How do you knit, crochet or make a pom-pom for a hat?

Please supply a book or website that will give sufficient instructions.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I use my hand, like this. Easy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pom-pom (or pom-pon some places is very easy to do. You don't even need any kind of equipment, other than your hands. It's not knit or crochet.. it is a separate little category all its own.

    Google is your friend! Anything you need to look up can be found there. Use it. You can find all kinds of instructions and videos on how to make them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    get a piece of cardboard(cereal packet works) draw a circle the size of pompom you want .cut a smaller circle in the middle .make 2 of theses.put them together and wrap you yarn round and round until you can get no more through the middle. break off a piece of yarn about 60 cm.separate yarn on circle to find middle of two cardboard circles and cut yarn all way round .tie the piece of yarn round you circle tightly and pull of cardboard.this is how i learned to make them at school.

    Source(s): learned at school too many years ago
  • 1 decade ago

    does it have to be knitted or crocheted?

    You can always take the yarn, and loop it around your fingers, kinda tightly...maybe one inch diameter, then tie a piece of the yarn around the looped up yarn, and cut the edges of the loops off...sorry kinda hard to explain...

    Source(s): my mom does it on x-mas pressnts
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    tell her that once she gets basically a sprint older she is going to evaluate the region toddlers come from and that terrific suited now she would not might desire to concern approximately some factor like that. it particularly is extremely all which you will say till you propose on telling a 7 year historic approximately intercourse and that i think it particularly is out of the equation. stable success.

  • 1 decade ago

    first result on google for 'how to make a pom pom'........ try it before yahoo answers

    if you want it big like for a hat, just use more yarn

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