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10 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
no! it's sending them the wrong message. encourage them to do good by helping to build up their self esteem. maybe if they pass the grade they're in, take them out for a celebration dinner or to do an activity they want to.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Never. That's the dumbest thing a parent can do. That's like begging a kid to do good in school. That should be a given so they don't end up homeless and unemployed when they hit the real world.
- 1 decade ago
No. I don't think you should, but you should tell them that they're brilliant. Also tell them that education is a valuable thing.
"Someone can take away almost everything from you- your money, your clothes, your property- but they can never take away what you know... they can never take away your knowledge."
-My pops told me that... right before he walked out lol, but I think it was the best advice I ever received from him.
- 1 decade ago
hell no.
and dont tell them theyre smart either.
instead encourage them for working hard even if they dont do so well. it builds confidence and works better in the long run. if you want to give them something for good grades take them to a movie or arcade and spend time with them.
Source(s): nightline they did a story on calling kids smart - ElizabethLv 61 decade ago
No. They are SUPPOSED to be getting good grades, so they can make a decent living someday.
Source(s): anyone that pays $3 for C's and $1 for D's is an idiot. - 1 decade ago
no that is like bribing i give you money if u get good grades it doesn't sound right.
- tazman111Lv 51 decade ago
this is report card money. yes a =$5.00
what this does is it makes them try harder.they do not need to work because between allowance for chores and report card money they earn enough. it shows them by studying and hard work they will be rewarded
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I do. Only for A's tho.
And I tell them they're brilliant as well. They are. Why should I make them feel as tho they're not as bright as I know they are? They do the best they can and that's all I want from them. If I thought they weren't doing the best they could, I'd tell them that too. "Don't tell them they're smart" WTF?!? Feckin yanks.
- 1 decade ago
no. they shouldnt be paid or rewarded for something that is expected of them.
- Anonymous1 decade ago