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Nair Shower Power help please?

Okay, its been about a year since ive started shaving my legs. So I just bought this product and i decided to try it. I put some on after a few days of not shaving and went in my shower, but then the cream started to go away, but just a little. So i tried to take the cream off with the sponge after leaving it 10 min and the hair did not go away at ALL. And now my legs smell really bad. Any help? Or should I switch to Veet removal? Deos it work? Thanks already.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All i know is, my sister got veet shower stuff and i tried it on part of my leg and it burned sooooooooooooooo bad. Also it made my leg smell bad. So i would just say go back to shaving regularly. The veet just made my leg bumpy it was gross.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    nair continually made my legs burn or the section burn after which i've got been given a rash! so i dont use it anymore! i think of i purely positioned it below some chilly water or attempt sticking your leg in a bucket of ice! i wish i helped!

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