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Will the Acekard 2i still work with the Facebook Software Update?
Will the newest version of the Acekard 2i software on the acekard website still run with the latest DSi software update that comes with the facebook app? Im actually more interested in getting flipbook for my DSi but cant without updating the Nintendo Firmware. I want to knw if its safe. Thank you. nd if you know its safe please tell me how you know.
3 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
Good news, I've seen today the first news announcing an update for the acekard which is compatible with the latest dsi firmware.
You have to update the acekard before you update the DSi.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
No. If you install the 1.4 update (which is what you're talking about) the Acekard 2i will stop working. Just keep checking, hopefully they'll come up with a fix soon because I really want to install that update too! :)