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How do I reset my computer to factory settings?

My computer came with Windows XP so I don't have the disks. Will that create a problem? And what will happen to the music I purchased in iTunes?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    backup all of the data that you need, usually your My Documents folder.

    you can download ISO images of XP from various sources like,, etc. Make sure that you have a torrent program like VUZE installed to download the torrents.

    Burn the ISO to a CD using free burner software here:

    use the newly created cd to install your full version of XP. Make sure to back all your drivers using Driver Magician. You can then later point to the folder where they are saved and recover your computer up the most useful state.

  • sam123
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    type in ---how do I reset my computer to factory settings-- hit search

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