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If global warming is causing rising sea levels, should we not already see the effects?

The information may already be out there, but have sea levels in fact been rising. Please post your source.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, sea levels have been rising. You can see the data in the links below.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We do, already see the effect of sea rising. The sea has risen 400 ft in the past 180 centuries. During the ice age, mankind walked from mainland Europe to Britain and from Russia to Alaska. Want to do something interesting. Use google earth to see the depth of the ocean between Britain and Europe and between Russia and Alaska. You will be amazed at just how shallow the ocean is in these regions. For large areas, the current ocean depth is less than 200 ft. Just 12,000 years ago, that was dry land.

    The problem really is that we chose to build London, and NYC where we should not have built them.

    We did not cause the ocean to rise for the past 180 centuries so I seriously doubt that we are causing it to rise now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they have, as measured by satellites and tide gauges:

    Reference at the bottom of the page. Sea levels rose faster 15-8ka. Which is expected, since that was the last warming part of the Milankovitch cycle. We're now expecting a long term cooling until the next warm peak in about 80,000 years or so.

    As for WhyTaxCarbon, a series of typical and wrong skeptical arguments:

    Average temperatures 2000-2009 are 0.14C higher than the average for 1990-1999. This is despite natural cycles generally being cooler this decade than last. To think it's cooling you have to have almost no idea about how to handle statistics properly.

    The '31,000 scientists' has no way of confirming the signers are scientists. A study found people who were dead, people who didn't agree, people who'd never heard of it, people who didn't exist, companies and pop stars.

    More genuine studies of scientific opinion either poll scientists (and limit the poll to scientists who exist), look at the weight of published literature, or consider the statements of scientific organisations.

    The increase in CO2 is about 34%:

    This is only a tiny proportion of the atmosphere (100 parts per million or so), but in many ways that's irrelevant. What's relevant is its physical effect.

    Greenhouse gases generally follow temperatures historically, but that doesn't say they have to. It's obvious that CO2 concentrations won't change spontaneously, they need something to trigger the change. It just so happens that historically it's been warming.

    Changes in solar input can only explain a small portion of observed temperature change during Milankovitch cycles. And besides this, greenhouse gas changes have triggered climate change in the past: like ending Proterozoic ice ages, or the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.

  • 1 decade ago

    The sea level has risen slightly, but it doesn't rise evenly across the globe. Currently, southeast Asian Pacific islands have seen the most dramatic effects so far, as the sea is slowly encroaching and shrinking their usable land area. In this century, the northeastern area of the U.S. will be more adversely affected than the rest of the country's coastline. But so far the effects are not visible to the naked eye in this country.

  • 1 decade ago

    The sea level has risen by 1 to 1.5 mm per year for thousands of years.

    We didn't have SUVs, power plants or cattle ranches thousands of years ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    If sea levels rise, it will not be man made global warming it doesn't exist, that aside, there is a good article on the Discover Channel website which says that if sea levels rise, the peat bogs in North America, the UK, and around the world, will soak much of it up.

    16,000 years ago sea levels were 200 feet lower than today, 20,000 years ago during the last Ice age sea levels were 400 feet lower than today, 125,000 years ago during the last warm spell seal levels were 18 feet higher than today, 3 million years ago sea levels were thought to be 165 feet higher than today.

    It is nature, the problem is with the human perception of time, we see things in very short (geologically speaking) time scales, 100, 200, even 1,000, 2,000 years is nothing to a planet 4.5 billion years old!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only reason the sea levels are rising is because of the melting glaciar caps. Also, global warming is a trend to our world. It happens, it has happened, and last time it happened we went into an ice age. It's nothing to fret about, however we do need to be more earth friendly because we are increasing the effects.

    Source(s): Earth Science Class
  • 1 decade ago

    Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told!"

    From 15,000 years ago to 8,000 years ago, sea level rose about 14mm/year – which is more than four times faster than the current rise rate of 3.3mm/year in the last 100 years, as reported by the University of Colorado. During the last ice age, sea level was so low that people were able to walk from Siberia to Alaska across the Bering Strait. One of the more stunning pieces of evidence of this is the remarkable similarity of appearance and culture between the indigenous peoples of Eastern Siberia and North America.

    In 2002, the BBC reported that a submerged city was found off the coast of India, 36 meters below sea level. This was long before the Hummer or coal fired power plant was invented. It is quite likely that low lying coastal areas will continue to get submerged, just as they have been for the last 20,000 years

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sea levels are not static. Geology 101 (actually 2nd grade earth science)

    Sea levels have been rising for 10,000 years. They have slowly leveled out over the last few thousand years and are rising relatively slowly.

    They are not increasing in rate.

    Alarmists try to fear monger by suggesting that they may rise in the future but it can also be claimed that monkeys may fly out their butt to paraphrase Madonna's words of wisdom. Personally I am as afraid of the flying monkeys as I am of rising sea levels.

    Source(s): geologists.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all- there is no warming as determined by all 4 global tracking org's:

    More than 31,000 scientists have signed this petition demonstrating direct correlation between solar irradiance and earth's temp. They- and many others also show that CO2 levels have been more than 400% higher BEFORE fossil fuels.

    PR Research:


    700 distinguished scientists have petitioned the Senate calling MMGW a fraud:

    !00 more leading scientists petitioned the UN- many of them claimed by Gore to be part of his nonsensical UN consensus:

    Gore's "consensus" was actually 5 UN tools:

    The enitre change in CO2 after 120 years in industrialized humanity is 1/100th of 1 percent- .028-.038 of 1 percent:

    slight CO2 escalation has FOLLOWED warming during every interglacial transition on record- the exact opposite of the Gore lie:

    The real story is why none of this info has EVER been mentioned on CNN, CBS, NBC, NPR, etc. as the socialists in congress try to ram thru a $1,500/person tax on energy...

    MMGW is the most expensive fraud in history...

    8 minutes ago - Edit - Delete

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