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Rockband or Guitar Hero World Tour?

Which one do you prefer? Personally, I have a preference but what do you think?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I play Rock Band almost exclusively now, mainly because I simply can't afford to play both. Rock Band has two major advantages over Guitar Hero: First, every song in the catalog is available for full band play (though Neversoft seems to be rectifying this), and second you can play the entire catalog in one place with Rock Band. Rock Band and the Rock Band trackpack discs are all exportable to the Xbox 360 hard drive (with the exception of three songs from Rock Band), so all you need is your Rock Band 2 disc, and you can play the Rock Band 2 songs, al your DLC, Rock Band 1 songs (with the exception of the aforementioned three songs) and Rock Band AC/DC songs all in one place without having to switch discs.

    Now, I think Guitar Hero has some definite advantages over Rock Band. There's more realism in Guitar Hero. They try to give you as much of an authentic experience as possible. The drums have one more pad, and there are certain things (such as cymbal swells) which I think Guitar Hero just does better. Now, not everyone appreciates the realism, but I do. And I think that's something that Guitar Hero does better.

    So those are my two cents on the matter. As I stated already, Rock Band is the one I play almost exclusively now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rockband, i think the drums are better but others probably wont agree. i find the pedal alot easier to use and i like having 4 pads. rockband 2 has lots and lots of songs and story mode lasts but GH:WT not very long. but i do think GH:WT has some good songs but then rockband 2 has similar

  • 1 decade ago

    I prefer Rock Band. Guitar Hero has been going downhill ever since it changed hands a couple of years ago.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm backing Guitar Hero all the way. Drums for GH are the best thing about it. Rock Band drums suck

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