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Do I have the proper Graphics?

Ok so I found a website that has some estimates for the tech requirements for Starcraft 2. But I'm not sure about my Graphics card. Could someone tell me if I have the minimum requirements? Ignore the internet connection, i know I don't have that :(

"Minumum Requirements

GFX: GeForce 7/8 Series or Radeon 1000/2000 with 256 MB RAM

CPU: Pentium 4


Internet: ADSL 1 Mbit"

Here is my computer (Macbook):

Graphics: "Intel GMA X3100:

Chipset Model: GMA X3100

Type: Display

Bus: Built-In

VRAM (Total): 144 MB

Vendor: Intel (0x8086)

Device ID: 0x2a02

Revision ID: 0x0003


Color LCD:

Resolution: 1280 x 800

Depth: 32-bit Color

Core Image: Hardware Accelerated

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes

Quartz Extreme: Supported

Built-In: Yes

Display Connector:

Status: No display connected"

Thanks in advance :) I would like an answer that explains why or why not. :)

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This site tests a lot of games with that card.. as far as i can tell its from 2007 so its not that old. go check this site and see the "fps, frames per second they get"

    but its not all about the graphics card. your motherboard has to be up to par too.

  • 1 decade ago

    no, i don't think so. If this integrated graphics you should be a cheap low end video card like a geforce 8600 GT. It's like $50 nowadays. The ram needed for the game is 256MB while your card only has 144mb.

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