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HELP!! What do I wear at the dance ?!??? PLZ HELP.?

Okay, so we have this spring dance on thursday, what should I wear ? Cause we also need to wear a mask so plz, tell me a idea for a outfit or a shop. (Not in the united states)


Righttt, its casual and I plan on DANCING! You guys rock...

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ooooh, okay, go to some party store and get a mask with tones of feathers and maybe sparkly jems or just sparkles in general. Also get some shiny beads, kinda like mardigra beads. :)

    For the out fit, assuming this is a casual dance, wear nice fitting jeans and some nice flats that shine or sparkle.. for the top, try a tank top with lots of colours! If it sparkles too thats even better! Make sure not everything sparkles though... take your pick... but sparkles are always great for parties! If you don't want any sparkly clothing, then at least settle for glitter on your face, neck, and chest sweetie!

    IF IT'S FORMAL, a glittery, short, colourful dress that matches your mask of choice is great... just make sure it makes your eyes hair colour vibrant and colourful. No black. Black is over rated and boring.

    Make it fun, just like dress up! :) Have a good one!!

  • 1 decade ago

    well try to find one of those mid evil type of dresses if it's a masquerade type of dances with maybe cute flats or probably heels would look better, if it's more of a casual type of dance wear a silver or gold knee length dress strapless would be best.

    Hair wise I would do the half up half down and curl the ends that way its wavy that always looks good with a mask. and make sure your go all out with the eye-makeup ... not trashy or anything just because your mask will accent your eyes more.good luck

    Source(s): myself
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if your supposed to dress up:

    wear a long dress that would really stand out. and a cool feathered mask from like party city or something likes that.

    if its casual:

    wear something really cute but not a skirt because it will keep going up when you dance. skinny jeans or shorts would be cute. and like a bright colored shirt to stand out.

    you should do your hair really pretty either way because nobody will see your face so the first thing they will see is the mask and your hair.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, if your planning to actually dance and not just sit still and look pretty, then you should wear cute tennis shoes, nice jeans, and a new shirt. If it's formal, just remember to not be too formal, like no long dresses or skirts,but nothing too short, and something that agrees with your body type =) hope I helped

  • 1 decade ago

    Watch the movie 'The Cinderella Story' they have a dance like that and you can get ideas from it. If you don't know how to watch it type in abc family on google and go to the web site click movies and watch it online.

  • 1 decade ago

    r u in like middle school or high school? im in middle school and i always just wear jeans, comfortable shoes, and like a baby doll top. i like to wear my hair down as well. just wear a nice lil feather mask or something. if ur in high school and its a dress up event, sorry i couldn't help, but i really hope this does help

  • 1 decade ago guessing this is a masquerade party.

    well i don't know any store's outside of US

    do you have a party city?

    they should have nice masks

    but wear a cute dress that matches the color

    of your mask

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    what about a skirt outfit with the phantom of the opera mask

  • 1 decade ago

    you want to look casual

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    anything you want darlin

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