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How much time does a Apple store Canada delivery take ? (Read more)?

I live in Ontario (Canada) and I want to order a iPod Touch from the online Apple Store Canada, how much days will it take?



So ya, i want to order a touch and i live in ontario, so if i ordered it on a sunday, how much time would it take? Also for monday.


Update 2:

So ya, i want to order a touch and i live in ontario, so if i ordered it on a sunday, how much time would it take? Also for monday.


2 Answers

  • Dee M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You will probably have it friday or the next monday, depending on how long it takes them to process your order

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm assuming you mean the online store. Delivery for stock machines (no memory, HDD updgrades etc.) is normally very quick. A few days. Those which you have customised tend to take from one week to a few - longer if the product is brand new.

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