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My toolbar has entirely disappeared and I cannot get it back. Help? (please read situation)?

I went to and still did not obtain it.

What happened was that my cat walked across my keyboard and Lord only knows what happened when he did that! Now I have no toolbar to be seen (I believe it's above where my monitor ends) and I have no 'tags' at the bottom of my page to be able to flit from one subject to another. I know the cat did something with the keyboard and the toolbar just flipped way up. Whatever page I'm on fills the entire page so as not to allow room for a toolbar.

Can someone please help me find out what happened to the toolbar?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your kitty stepped on the F11 key and put your browser into full screen mode. With the browser up, press the F11 key to toggle back to normal mode.

    If your keyboard has a "Windows logo" key, you can also use that to access the Start menu - even if your browser or some other program is in full screen mode.


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