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Egg Drop, how do I protect my ROCKET egg?
Hi, i am in a rocketry club and we need to protect an egg droped from 750 feet or higher. if anyone has small ideas (size wize we are cramped) i'd love to hear it!!
3 Answers
- biire2uLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
Of course if you can eject your payload (the egg) I would assume you could use a parachute.
If you can't eject the egg, I might try this-- smear vasoline all over the egg and smear vasoline all over the inside surfaces of the nosecone. Put the egg into the nosecone and get a small can of Dow low expansion Great stuff polyurethane foam.
Spray the foam so it surrounds the egg and the compartment it is in . Cut off excess foam when it cures. Assemble rocket and fire off.
If you greased it up right you should be able to slide out the whole foam slug and gingerly cut the surrounding foam off the egg. The vasoline should stop the foam from bonding to the egg and the nosecone
- cyberphlakLv 41 decade ago
Suspend the egg between two springs. Arrange them so that neither spring can reach maximum compression before the other spring is near maximum extension. Then place thin Styrofoam on at least two sides of the egg. The foam should still be able to move but with friction.
In this setup, you have the springs as well as the Styrofoam absorbing shock and decelerating the egg on impact while taking up very little space and adding little weight.
- speelmanLv 44 years ago
Elastics. place the egg on end additionally it is greater durable to interrupt from the tip as apposed to mendacity it down on it extremely is area. positioned your little eggy in a rubber band sling and positioned elastics on the right additionally for the stress utilized in the process the surprising replace in direction because it hits the floor and treys to bounce returned up.