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Is there any other model of Dodge Charger Daytona besides 1969?

All the time when I see a Charger Daytona, it is a 1969 model with only 500 made in total with 70 of them having a HEMI engine. Now I want to know if there is any other model year for this rare car.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1969 Was the only year for the Dodge Charger Daytona that you would consider a muscle car. There was a Concept for a 70 Dodge Daytona but since Nascar killed the Aero car and the Hemi they stopped making them. They did make a 1983 Dodge Charger Daytona Shelby but I wouldnt consider that anything near to what the 69 was.

  • 1 decade ago

    well they are making new charger daytonas now (mostly a trim package)

    But no other year for the one you are thinking of

    If you like the daytona look at the charger 500 for 1969 - this was also a real cool car (the 500's for later years were mostly trim packages)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Efferrell or whoever have been given it precisely as i grew to become into questioning when I examine the question. the 5 hundred had a flattened grille and front between different physique mods however the Daytona had a wing and element nostril like a Plymouth Superbird. a minimum of it is the way I undergo in strategies it and that i used to possess a Daytona.

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