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Good places to go camping in Southern California?

Can someone recommend some places for camping in southern California (preferably San Diego county, but doesn't have to be) for camping.

Especially a place that is good for backpacking (you know, carrying your tent and all supplies in a backpack, then setting up camp wherever)

I will give out best answer

Thanks :)

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My favorite place in Socal to camp is Joshua Tree National Park, it ROCKS! Literally. Fantastic landscape and fun but don't go in the summer. It's best in spring but good in Fall and not bad in the winter as long as the winds not howling.

    Source(s): Here are some pictures I've taken over a few visits to J-Tree:
  • 5 years ago

    Doheny State Beach and San Onofre. Both are located south of Los Angeles, and north of San Diego. Good luck. RV's and tents are OK

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in California and Southern Cal. is not the best place if you want to camp

    you have to go to the mountains...Northern Cal.

    I'll list them

    KOA- Shingletown CA

    Happy Camp, CA...Elk Creek Camp ground

    Burney Falls- Burney CA(Loved this one lot's of things to do here)

    Trinity- Trinity, Ca

    Whiskey Town Camp Ground- WhiskeyTown, CA

    We stayed at a camp site near the ocean also but It wasn't my fav. It's in Eureka, CA

    That's all I can think of I stayed at more but these where my recent trips from 2003-2008

    And maybe if you do go to these ones go to Redding, CA and go to Turtle Bay museum that place is also fun I suggest going in the Spring Time.

    Source(s): Been to all of these camp sites Love Burney Falls the most highly suggest that place.
  • chris
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Cuyumaca Rancho state park, Anza Borrego lost valley, Cleavland national forest mount palomar district.

    Source(s): been there done that
  • 1 decade ago
    Source(s): Google
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