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I have an unemployment benefits hearing tomorrow and ?

I am from NY , can you give me any advice about the hearing tomorrow? I am appealing their decision to my benefits being denied .

5 Answers

  • CatLaw
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your benefits hearing is a very serious court procedure that is frequently held via the telephone. BUT it is still a court procedure that follows the local court rules and has an administrative law judge presiding over it.

    Unfortunately, unless you have some legal background or have a local attorney who can assist you, you may have problems. The Unemployment benefits office denied your benefits due to certain and very specific laws. What you need to do is to present a case which shows that you did not violate those laws.

    For example: Most states will not provide unemployment benefits to those who quit a job without certain limitations. If you quit you would need to present a case that would show that you did meet those limitations. Another generally used term in these cases is the word "misconduct". In most states that word means an employee violated a significant rule or policy of the employer; was warned not to do it again or get fired; and the employee violates the rule a second time. HOWEVER, your state laws may be different.

    By my clock it is 5 pm in NY, maybe you can find a local attorney who is familiar with NY unemployment laws who can help you. OR you may be able to figure this out by analysis on the NY statutes that govern your case.

    Good luck.

    Source(s): Illinois employment attorney
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't reside in New York and don't know what their procedures are. However, I have lived in two different states and never heard of having to get an attorney for an unemployment benefits hearing. Just have all of your information ready and be honest with them. Good luck.

  • kbk823
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just be able to back up your reasons. I'll assume that your employer is stating that you were either fired for cause or quit, as these are the most common reasons why. If you know the reason for the denial, get your documentation in place to refute the arguments.

  • 5 years ago

    Tough to say, but it doesn't look good. After all, you didn't call. Thats a big no no.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have all Your Paperwork, and GOOD LUCK....!!

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