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Can Sony Fans please try to prove me wrong?
Okay, you probably read some answers from me, where heated discussions broke loose because I recommended the Xbox 360 to an asker.
Don't get me wrong! This is not a trolling attempt or an incentive to break out a flame war. I want factual reasons. Provide links and evidence to your answers!
I say: My Xbox 360 can do everything my PS3 does. Only better and cheaper.
What I can do on the Xbox 360 that the PS3 can't:
I can *talk* to up to 7 additional friends *for free* via Xbox Live. No matter what we do. On my PS3 I can only send text messages, when I am in a game, and my friends are doing something different.
I can replace the music in any game on the Xbox 360 with my own favorite MP3s, while the console keeps the game's sound effects so I still know what's going on.
Especially cool: If I throw a party, I connect my iPod and PC to my console and load up Guitar Hero. While the game idles in the main menu, the party guests are listening to an endless stream of MP3s. When someone picks up the guitar and chooses a song, the Xbox 360 pauses my music, lets the player shred to his selected tune, and as soon as he returns to the main menu, the console resumes my MP3 music again.
I can insert a game and play right away. A lot of games on the PS3 force you to a lengthy install to improve loading times.
If I want faster loading times, I can now *optionally* install a game on the Xbox harddisc. If I want to play right now, I insert the disc and off I go.
Better graphics:
I often read in Answers that the graphics on the PS3 are better because of the Blu-Ray disc.
From a technical point of view this is so terribly wrong.
Blu-Ray is "just" a storage medium. The graphics are generated by the graphics hardware in real time.
While the PS3 has an impressive Cell Processor that can do wonders with Physics simulations, Sony had the nerve to implement a slow memory interface.
Games mean graphics, and graphics need to be rendered in the framebuffer.
At 550MHz the RSX processor alone needs almost 60GB for Z-Testing and coloring a 3D image on a 48GB/sec memory bandwidth (don't mix this bandwidth with bandwidth inside the Cell chip. This is of no use in this context).
The Xbox 360 has 256GB/sec reserved just for the framebuffer alone, allowing it to do High Dynamic Range rendering, Anti Aliasing, and all that fancy stuff and still has over 20GB/sec free on the main Bus for textures and vertex data.
This is the reason, why only very few games on both consoles really are 1080p games, and why even fewer games on the PS3 have a higher resolution than the Xbox 360 counterpart.
No matter how long the programmers learn to manage the PS3 hardware.
Also, I can simply get a HD VGA cable and connect the console to a high resolution VGA monitor, and get HD quality graphics without a HDTV. Even up to resolutions of full 1080p.
You can Install Linux on the PS3:
Well, yeah, but for what purpose? You will have a 256MB PC, that can't do any 3D graphics, as the PS3's hypervisor doesn't allow the Linux system to access the graphics hardware. For 400 Dollar. For less than 300 Bucks I can get an office PC with 2GB Ram, fully working Vista and 3D acceleration. This can play games and applications better than the PS3 when running Linux.
The Xbox offers you free professional game development tools (the XNA creator Studio) which you can use to write your own games. Also complete with full 3D acceleration.
High Failure Rate:
My Xbox 360 didn't break down, and so hasn't my PS3 yet. However, if I read reports, that a PS3 console gets denied a warranty repair because it's too dusty, then I could foam with anger.
If I have a problem or the Xbox 360 breaks down I call the toll free support hotline. If the console has to be repaired (as it happened to a friend), a UPS messenger comes, picks up the console for free and two weeks later the console is back again. No strings attached.
Things the PS3 can do better:
Blu-Ray Movies. I admit, it's really comfortable to just pop in a movie disc and watch it right away. But if necessary, I could also rip a Blu-Ray Movie to my PC's harddisc and watch the movie in High Definition on my Xbox 360 streamed over the network.
Free Online play:
Yes, the online play is free. But you get what you pay for. While I more than often gnaw at the Dual-Shock because the Multiplayer just doesn't work, I get for less than $3,50 a month a great multiplayer Matchmaking and more than often free goodies (I received 2 free Arcade games as a thank you for being a 1 year Gold Member, and I can go to Germany's Games Convention for free for one day, access to the Backstage Area, where I got a free drink and a voucher for a free HD movie download).
And since the PS3 still costs almost 400, I can get the Xbox 360, and with the leftover money get more games, and online play.
Things which are tied (in my opinion):
While the PS3 can surf website
This got cut off:
Things which are tied (in my opinion):
While the PS3 can surf websites, I can also use a Media Center plug in and surf websites with full Internet Explorer Compatibility.
TV: The PS3 has Play-TV which allows us (in PAL countries) to watch a few selected TV stations in crappy DVB-T quality.
On the Xbox 360 together with Media Center I can also watch Live TV, Timeshift and watch recorded TV shows.
Home: I tried it on the PS3 and was rather unimpressed. It's just Second Life Sony Style. And not released yet.
On the Xbox 360 I now see my friends as avatar representations, and their friends standing in a group next to them. It's like a 3D Facebook. And I don't even have to wander around giant apartments or areas to meet them.
So in conclusion:
Pick my reasons apart why the Xbox 360 ist (in my opinion) better, and find factual evidence, and tell me: Where am I wrong?
10 Points to the most well formed answer, that also shows it's sources with factual evidence.
9 Answers
- <<KAY>>Lv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
Not everyone has the same taste in games. Using facts won't change your opinion and vice versa.
I wanted to play games like God of War 3 and Gran Turismo. (and others that were taken by Microsoft also), of course at times I have been disappointed. But most of your problems with the PS3 are more hardware preferences. Rather than your actual taste.
What I will admit though is that the 360 does have more options in terms of games. But the PS3 still has more to come despite so many games coming out at the end of this year. While the 360 has Halo Wars. That'll only appeal to Halo fanboys and Command and Conquer fanatics. And except for that all you have is the games that were supposed to be the PS3's exclusives. So if it wasn't for that the 360 would be dead next year. HOME sucks bad, but so does NXE (don't waste your time saying its good, its an awful rehash of the Miis (which in all fairness suck as well). Failure Rate is another thing. When I first heard about the red ring I thought ut would only be a rare thing, but people in my school actually got red ring, which is very common.
- 1 decade ago
I'm not in favor or against the 360 or PS3, but I chose the PS3 over the 360 for the following reasons:
1) Some of the games I really want to play are Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, and The Final Fantasy games.
2) Reliability. I don't want to take my chances and wait for my game system to break down. I don't care if it gets fixed for free.
3) The Blu Ray is just an added bonus, but most important than that is the fact that I can enjoy my movies in either DVD or Blu Ray format while my PS3 is totally quiet. The 360 sounds like a vacuum cleaner.
4) Graphic wise, both consoles are pretty competitive, and you really have to be picky to say that one looks way better than the other. The differences here are negligible. Have you played Metal Gear Solid? Show me an Xbox 360 game that looks better than this.
5) Let's face it. The PS3 design is elegant. The 360 looks like a toy.
6) My PS3 is fine the way it is. I don't need to feel nickeled or dimed by having to upgrade my system by buying extra stuff to watch Hi-def movies.
7) The sixaxis feels better in my hands than the 360 controller. I don't know, it might be a matter of "taste"
8) I couldn't care less about on-line gaming. I have friends.
9) I have yet to meet a PS3 owner who regrets having bought this console. On the other hand, I have met some frustrated, angry 360 owners who have had to deal with fix it now, fix it again, please.
So, in a nutshell,it's a matter of preferences. So, I'm not going to prove you wrong. The 360 is a nice machine, but the PS3 is my choice for the reasons mentioned above.
- Anonymous5 years ago
Some of your info is wrong... PS3 has better graphics because it has a BlueRay system built in. The only reason the Wii is the best selling is because of the Japanese market. In the USA, the 360 is the highest selling. Every console ever made in the history of the world was made to make MONEY for the company. If it wasn't for the money, consoles would be entirely free. Plus, learn to spell and to use proper grammar.
- Peter DLv 71 decade ago
I own a PS3 and do not regret the purchase. I bought it for primarily for its Blu-Ray capability, the future of home theater. If I wanted strictly a game console I would have bought an X-Box. As it is, since the demise of HD-DVD the X-Box is back to being one-dimensional. It's great at that one dimension, but if I already have a phone, cable and a computer I have no use for it.
- 4 years ago
Tv set ruins your brain and enables you to bad in school hmmm and reading is interesting and makes you smarter
- ?Lv 44 years ago
I would read a reserve but I want silence and I watch television set for Big Bang theory family guy spongebob humor or movies generally speaking toss me a good book and I'll read it I'm not old a professor or a nerd
- Anonymous7 years ago
the new ps4 came out and it is way better then the new xbox 1 but the ps3 and xbox360 are pretty similar
- 7 years ago
Since when do graphics make the game? They can improve gameplay, but they are NOT the game.
- Solid SnakeLv 61 decade ago
People like different things, so why yould you want to argue?
PS I would choose a gaming PC over those two any day. And if I wanted Blu-Ray, I would install a $200 Blu-ray drive ON my gaming PC.