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"We're taking a breather"? I would prefer "We're exercising censorship"...?

At least that would be honest, don't you agree? Sometimes I can see why they have chosen to delete a question, but I must say it's frustrating to write a good answer for a question that is sensitive and controversial, only to find that you have wasted your time. Anyone else think they should offer a little more leeway? C'mon Yahoo answers, be brave, don't delete this question, you won't get sued... I have tried to post this question several times now, and if it breaches the rules in any way, the least you could do is email me and explain how...

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I joke that Yahoo’s “coffee breaks” are long because not only do they drink pure Columbian coffee but they go to Columbia to drink it! That poor little burro has a hard time getting up and down the mountain to bring those fresh coffee beans.

    They take so many "breathers" that we should send them some asthma inhalers.

    Seriously, Yahoo has been known for a long, long time for having a lot of glitches. They think it’s cute to put those “breather” or “coffee break” messages because they don’t want to admit “We’ve screwed something up again so you, the users, just have to learn to live with it.”

    Welcome to YaHELL.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seems that's been that way since last night...mostly in the political section which has completely gotten out of control.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago answer plesse

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