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Why would any parent take a severely autistic child to church? ?
Especially if they already know that their child can't sit still and causes scenes? Do I have to explain this? An Austic child will have no concept of God, it's just not going to happen.
By the way the church got a restraining order against the family barring them from coming. Did you also notice that I said severely autistic? I didn't say mildy or high functioning.
36 Answers
- pennypincherLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
I have an autistic brother. It is nearly impossible to find a baby sitter for a handicapped child. Perhaps it would be best if the child went into the nursery.
I see some of what you mean. A severely autistic child has almost no vocabulary of understanding of language and thus cannot understand any of the sermon and get any benefit from it. My brother knows approx. 20 words and would not even realize if the sermon was in another language.
- amyhpeteLv 71 decade ago
I am deeply offended by your question. My son is autistic and attends church, youth group, regular classes in school, and does fine. God's word is for everyone and only he and the boy know how much he is getting out of it. Now if he causes scenes a lot they should probably sit in back or near a side exit and take him out if he is actually disrupting the worship.
Other than that, mind your own business. You don't know what an autistic person is and is not capable of understanding and no child should be deprived of a spiritual life whose parents wish him to have one.
ETA: The CHURCH got a RESTRAINING order? Wow. And it's a Christian Church? WTF? Even if it wasn't my kid, I would leave a church over that. Worship is not about everything looking pretty and perfect for God. Worship is about praising God for what he does and letting Him see who we really are and shape us to be more like Him.
Are there news articles about this restraining order? Because I would think this would be a historic event -- a church getting a restraining order against a family. I don't think I believe you.
Even if true, why are you asking the question. Problem solved for you I guess.
What if Jesus had stood up speaking to the people and someone autistic or "with demons" or whatever had disturbed the crowd. Would Jesus have screamed, "Shut the F&*K up and leave!" I don't think so. It is unconscionable to me that a church would turn away someone who can't help the way he is. They should be embracing this family.
Source(s): Mother of an autistic son who has never caused a scene in church other than crying as a baby and jumping around during the children's Christmas program when he was three. - Anonymous1 decade ago
Because the parents have the freedom to. How would you feel if you had an autistic/mentally disabled child and you were denied attendance to public places or church services? How do you know an autistic child has no concept of God, even the severely autistic ones? God loves all people and if He won't turn them away then no one should.
What kind of country are we coming to that we now deny other people's children because they are a distraction? We may as well deny infants too, right? I mean they can cry during the service or cause a scene. Should I not take my 3 month old to church? She doesn't understand God yet and she can "cause a scene" when she's hungry, tired or wet. Just the same goes for an autistic child or any other child. When they start causing a scene you simply take them out of the sanctuary for a few moments to calm them down.
Mild, severe or what have you, the child should still not be denied the right to attend church. I am ashamed of any church that would get a court ordered restraining order for a child who is mentally disabled. God's heart is surely grieved as is my own.
Source(s): I'm a mother and I don't believe any one or any child should be denied attendance to church for any reason. What good is the church if people are turned away? - 1 decade ago
The parents are most likely using their faith to help get themselves through the issues that come with having a disabled child.
People like you are the reason that I don't associate with an organized church. As a fellow congregation member you should be there to support the parents instead of whining about the child making a scene. If the child's behavior disturbs other congregation members maybe one of you could stand up and offer to keep an eye on the child so that the parents can still attend the services.
And who are you to say that the child has no concept of what's going on during the church service? There are many different forms and severity levels of Autism. Even though he might not be considered highly functioning there is a very good chance that the child is aware of everything that is going on around him.
I'm glad that the family is no longer allowed at the church, maybe now that can find a truly Christian, non-judging congregation.
- ShellyLv 41 decade ago
Why wouldn't they. Just b/c the child is autistic doesn't mean they shouldn't go to church like normal people do and have a normal life like everyone else does! Grow up and get over yourself. I hope that one day you have a child with special needs so you know what it's like! That's like saying people that have kids with severe ADHD shouldn't take them anywhere also! They are just as hyper and can't sit still to save their lives. Just b/c someone has a disorder doesn't mean they should have their right to learn about GOD taken away from them. They're just as special and loved by God as we all are, no matter what their flaws! GROW THE HELL UP! And I think it's a crappy church anyway if they're gonna kick the family OUT b/c of this! That's not a real church! A REAL church WELCOMES anyone and everyone! I hope you grow up one day! I really do! And i really feel for you! And to be quite honest with you, if I went to church that did something like that, I would be quite humiliated to be a part of it! I would be ashamed!!!!!!! I'm just appalled at this church's behavior! What kind of church is this anyway?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Every child should have a right to go to church Austic or not. How to you know that the child has no concept of God? Shame on the church for getting a restraining order. How would you feel if someone told you you could not bring your kids to church because they are no noisy?
- julesl68Lv 51 decade ago
I can understand that it might be distracting to have a child in Church services who is disruptive, however you would be surprised what an Autistic child absorbs, so be careful about assuming this child has no concept of God. In addition, I don't recall Jesus ever turning anyone away, even lepers who were considered the worst of the worst back in that time. It is pleasing to God to have all of his children in his house, regardless of their issues, so with that said, I think you should consider going to a service at a different time if it bothers you that much.
*edit* if they got a restraining order, then why is this question being asked? Did it not solve the problem?
- ?Lv 45 years ago
there are various distinctive stages of particular needs little ones some have greater effective needs then others, some are truly solid and by way of no fault of there very own often times may be very disruptive and might attack all of sudden, how do i comprehend this on an familiar basis very own journey!! As for this occasion he's a sizeable lad 6 foot tall 2 hundred pounds he has disturbed and attacked others which isn't his fault!! the clergymen has for sure tried desperately as i might assume of any priest pastor or Imam for that count to do to assist the family members, yet from what I truly have study of the family members they at the instant are not compromising and clearly desire some help! yet somewhat they're submitting a lawsuit for money, the sorrowful area approximately that's that the priest tried to assist the family members and the son greater then the mothers and fathers are!!! confident i'm Catholic so which you may say i may be biased and the respond isn't any!! i comprehend from my very very own journey of youngsters with particular needs and likewise i might say the comparable factor interior the suitable comparable case and subject if the priest have been a pastor protestant or in any different case Rabbi or Imam!! Edit; thank you for the compliment Kate 'decrease than submit' makes a metamorphosis from what I many times get referred to as at right here LOL!
- 1 decade ago
Because he is a child of God just like you and everyone else. Shame on the church for getting a restraining order. God loves everyone and they are all made in his image. The church needs to get out there Bible and Read it!
- 1 decade ago
I am a teacher and had an autistic child in my first grade classroom with an aid to assist him. Yes, he stood out like a sore thumb, but he enjoyed learning new things in his own time. If I was teaching about space, he would seem completely uninterested. But later he would tell me that he wanted a Jupiter book. He would look at it and ask questions. Given a few weeks, he knew everything there was to know about Jupiter. Yes, the rest of the class was now learning about the ocean, but he was learning, too. Autistic children can learn. They can learn that God loves them, and that's all they really need to know! Don't you think that the parents need the support of loving people around them? Give them a break!
I hope they find a new church home where people can help them.
- sweetieLv 61 decade ago
Y are you in church if you believe your own statement! Anyone can get the concept of God. You don't know since you aren't the child if they understand or not. They have the right to take the child to church no matter what. Its a miracle the child is alive or not in the hospital. There is no point in you going to church every Sunday if your not getting what the word has to say! Not only is this rude but you should talk to you pastor about your feelings. If he has a problem with it then maybe they should start going to a better church with actual Christians.