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Don't you find it disgusting that Casey Anthony is being attacked by the media for the disappearance of her

child. When the McCann's did something way worse and people feel sorry for them? The only difference between the McCann's and the Anthony case is that the McCann's had money!


The media can't attack the character of the McCann's because they have the money to hire a lawyer to defend their name.

Update 2:

The McCann's know exactly what happened to Maddeline.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not at all. She is showing that she cares nothing for her daughter. Who acts like this when a child is missing and does not tell anyone? She also created a myspace page almost two years before Caylee went missing. Check it out.

    Then go to view all blogs entires and a new page will open up and look to the left and see that the date created is Signup Date: 10/23/06. When you create a page you can not change the URL name.

    Why would you create page for a child that is not missing two years before the incident? Very odd if you ask me. She planned this so she would not be bothered with having a kid.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, i do. she may not seem to be handeling the situation correctly, but she is also under the advisement of her lawyer. we hear what the media wants us to hear. they have nothing that deems her guilty without reasonable doubt, and the focus needs to be on finding caylee instead of bashing her mother.

  • Linnie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    are u kidding? She is keeping many things to herself.

    Anybody would be begging people to return the child. She just names a imaginary person who supposedly has her.

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