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If Ichiro is so great how come he hasn't attempted a stolen base in the last 20 games?
If he's such a great leadoff hitter this year then why has he been stuck at 34 stolen bases for the past 21 games? Sure he's had a little bit more power numbers lately with a homerun and 5 rbi's, but that's not too impressive considering for how many games he's been in to only have 26 rbi's is a joke. I don't get why people defend him as being such a great player when he's not that great.
6 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
He is a great player, whether you want to believe it or not. Just because he hasn't stolen a base he's not a great player. What rational thinking there? Did you ever think that maybe it's because the Mariners are out of it?
EDIT: For the poster below me. He doesn't think he's above the game. This is how it is done in Japan and he kept it that way when he came to play in the US. As for his slap hitting, isn't the point of baseball to get on base, regardless of how? Would you make the same comments about Rickey Henderson who used the bunt a lot to get on base. Man, when people hate someone they some of the most retarded things.
- tutinoLv 45 years ago
convinced because he's between the fastest gamers in baseball, he's one f the utmost share base stealers in baseball, he receives on base plenty because he's such an concepts-blowing hitter and the Mariners haven't any offense so i trust they are going to run extra. His manager (McLaren) insisted that Ichiro can get 80 bags in a season in the course of the off season so 60 is genuinely interior of attain to a guy like Ichiro.
- 1 decade ago
When your team is getting routinely beaten by 4 or 5 runs per game,
what is the point in stealing bases?
He should save his energy and concentrate on getting on base and then pray that his team's seemingly non-existent sluggers can bring him home.
Also, whoever bats after Ichiro, should be, an at least, decent # 2 hole hitter.
Source(s): What is a stolen base worth, any way? Approximately .24 of run, especially with no one out. Where as, a caught stealing, costs a team an out and doesn't leave any room for a possible long hit that might have scored Ichiro from first anyway . - CJLv 51 decade ago
There may be a ton of reasons: Something physical that we don't know about, it's possible there may be a trade in the works and management don't wanna risk getting him hurt, and the fact that Seattle sucks as a team may also play into this, ormaybee he doesn't give a damn personally. If they want him to steal a base, believe me he will at least try or they'll take it out of his wallet.
Source(s): OPINION - Anonymous1 decade ago
Maybe he feels he's stolen enough bases this year. I've said it for a long time...I hate ichiro. He's a ***** the way he slaps the ball on the ground always trying to get the infield single. He reminds me of softball chicks. The other reason why I hate him is because his first name is on the back of his jersey. He feels he's above the game.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Maybe he's tired?