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Does Bob Geren know how to read a scouting report?
He elects to pitch to Giambi who has crushed the ball off of Duchscherer after the A's got momentum in tying the game.
The day before he choses to leave Lenny Dinardo to face Richie Sexson who has hit .344 against lefties and .179 righties. We still had Andrew Brown to use. He literally gave both games away!
2 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
You first have to ask if he knows how to read.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
he is a manager, so of course he does. im guessing you are an upset A's fan, right?
if so, dont blame geren for our way of playing. we are playing above expectations and we should be content with that. we are a very young club and we will only get better. is geren a good manager, no. does he put the glove on and go field? no. does he go in the batters box? no. he shouldnt take the all of the blame. his players arent producing enough runs to win a lot of games.