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Why do parents think that their daughters are so innocent?

They don't believe that the age of 12 they could possibly be starting to think about sex. Do parents forget that females go through puberty at a younger age then a male does? Why do parents believe that when a older guy goes after a younger girl lets say an 18 year old male and a 16 year old girl that the guy is the one who should get in trouble for it? When the girl knows exactly what she's doing?


Another example of this is I was at the mall with my best friend and there was about a 13 year old girl wearing shorts that were so short that you could literally see a part of her butt. Can you honestly tell me that she didn't know that her shorts did that? I doubt it. She's looking for attention from guys. I told my best friend if he ever let his daughter wear anything like that she's never going out of the house again.

Update 2:

The age of consent law you should go look at the history of the law. It was designed back about a 100 to 150 years ago when young girls at the age of 10 were sold off to brothels so older men could have a virgin. It has nothing to do whether teenagers were going to have sex, it was adults taking advantage of a child. In this case the 16 year old and the 18 year old knew exactly what they were doing.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you. Most parents think that their daughters will always be young and innocent, but that is never the case. I know that sometimes, well not sometimes, most of the times I have thoughts like that, and I am over the age of 12. Both boys and girls do want it, its just girls are better at hiding it. And in the case of the 16 and 18 year old you are perfectly right. Girls know exactly what they are doing when they get into situations like that. And where I live its legal.

    Source(s): Canada's age of concent 16+ but there is an "close in age" exception. 12-13 years old can concent with someone less than 2 years older. 14-15 years old can concent with someone less that 5 years older.
  • guy g
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because at age 18 the guy is a legal adult and can legally give consent. but at age 16 the girl is still a minor and can not give legal consent.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because when those parents' little girl was young she was so sweet and innocent

    and they dont want to believe shes growing up

    so they just think she could do no harm, right?

    but it isnt this wayy for all parents

  • 1 decade ago

    not all parents but a good portion. its got to do with the puppy-dog puke eyes. and dont get me wrong, i am a girl, and not all girls are like that, i know i'm not. i honestly think that they only see a little (like baby) child. your right, nice job putting it into words.

  • 1 decade ago

    When parents say that their daughter is a sweet innocent angel, they are probably trying to convince themselves that she is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not all parents think that way.

  • Lori
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because we are adorable. Thank you and good day.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol wat aparents think that

    maybe they werent thinkin about it so they dont think there daughters are>?

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