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Steven R asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 2 decades ago

Why do parents believe that their daughters are so innocent?

They don't believe that the age of 12 they could possibly be starting to think about sex. Do parents forget that females go through puberty at a younger age then a male does? Why do parents believe that when a older guy goes after a younger girl lets say an 18 year old male and a 16 year old girl that the guy is the one who should get in trouble for it? When the girl knows exactly what she's doing?


Fl Mom you need to get off that high horse. Do you even know why the age of consent law was even created? Or should I jog your memory or maybe you should watch the movie The History Of Sex on the History Channel! It was created because poor people back about 100-150 years ago would see their daughters to brothels so an older man in his 30's could have a virgin. It has nothing to do with the fact that teenagers were having sex.

Flmom you are ignorant if you think that a 16 year old doens't know what she's doing. So, this makes me wonder about have you even bothered talking to your kids about sex? Probably not you're one of the parents who think that their children can do no wrong!

Why do parents believe that their daughters are so innocent?

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know exatly what you mean, my parents think i was a virgin untill i got married. My dad never spoke to me about sex, and im married. I wasn't allowed to read any romance books or watch any movie with kissing in it. My parents are crazy, they are living in other century, they think if they don't talk to you about it you won't ever know it. My sister was 5 months pregnant at 16 because my parents did not talk to her about safe sex. just because you tell someone not to have sex doesn't mean they are not gonna do it. I know 12 yerar olds that have done more sexual positions then i have and i'm married. and yes their parents think they are angels. that inclueds my paster.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    parent think this because they don't want to face the facts that their baby is growing up.

    unfortunately that denial does not hurt them has much as it hurts their baby.

    parent need to stop being ugh wimps and start telling the on good, bad, ugly and how to have safe sex as soon as they see since of puberty. not all at once but talk after talk after talk

    I'm 18 a virgin god damn proud of it. my own choice

    ...Show more
  • FLmom3
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    The reason the 18 year old should have charges pressed against him is because he is an ADULT, and she is still a child. It is quite ignorant to say that she knows what she is doing and therefore, should "get in trouble" too. An adult has no business even looking at a child in that way and IF a 16 year old girl shows an interest in him, he needs to tell her absolutely no and remove himself from the situation immediately.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Ignorance is Bliss.  Much easier to pretend everything is okay, then tackling the issue head on. 

  • 2 decades ago

    who says that not all parents do not even for a second do my parent think im innocent

  • 2 decades ago

    parents like to think their little girls are innocent , they just don't want to think of what they are really doing , makes them feel better

  • 2 decades ago

    ya the parents just think girls are innocent because they just dont think girls should get in trouble so they blame it on the boys like muah so it sucks having sisters but on the bright side some .................................... and i mean some only some girls are nice now good bye

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