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Best Friend keeps Cheating on friend...?

My buddy is 29 years old and his girl is 24. I am also friend with his girl. It makes me sick. I want her to see what she has with him. He is an *** to her a lot of time and makes her cry. She is always calling me upset about something. I know what she is going throw because she has been in A LOT of really bad relationship.

She has slept with 5 different guys..that I know of

and I don't know what to do. She is my girl. any I know he hasn't been good to her.

He'll call her up and tell he that he doesn't want to see him that he want to be left alone when he goes out with another girl.

One of his bestfriends (female) always calls him over and he spens the night with her.

I have told both of them that there Fricked in the head. and to stop playing games wtih each other.

Next time she calls me Crying because he is being an *** again what do I say. I care about them both. But there both in the wrong. How do I get her to stop being a slut and stop him from being an ***?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they are not going to change that is who they are and that is probably how they are going to stay. They just need to break up and move on. That is beyond sad that they are doing that to eachother. The best thing to do when she calls you, is to tell her to get the f**k over it and quit being stupid and get someone else. she might get mad at you but atleast you are telling the truth and is she is dumb enough to keep acting like that then she needs to learn what she is doing will make her end up alone.

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