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Can you please Help me!?

On feb.9/06 my bestfriend of 5 years and soulmate of 2 broke off our engagement and it off with me. Telling me that one day we " Our stars will come back together". A week before he did everything he said to me that " I can't miss you if your always around and calling" " want time to my self". I gave him that. Now it's been 2 years and I have found someone new. We have been together for a 1 year and about 3 months. Yesterday he said the samething to me." I can't miss you if your always around, I want time to myself." The thing is I am always at work. get 2 to 5 hours 1 day a week to see him. And he still doesn't want me to see him. I call me at most 4 times. If I was way to busy at work I call me once to say goodnight. If that....So my question is what should I do? I want to give him his time to himself. But I am also very lost...why is he doing this? He says that he loves me but I am find it hard to please

7 Answers

  • M S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Firstly, yes I'd say this guy is definitely looking for a way out of the relationship. And considering your first guy was a best friend for 5 years before you got "serious", I would almost say you may have a bad habit of making guys around you think you'll do anything to be with them (even sacrifice your own self-respect). When guys sense that, they instantly become less attractive to the girl and kind of see her as "prey", take her for granted, and eventually get rid of her.

    You need to be be more picky and less guilty coming into relationships. Don't beg to be a friend before dating, get an engagement, or anything like that. Give the guy the impression you are not there because of some cheezy friendship or b/c you can't get other guys (or need the guy to marry you to keep him from running away), give him the impression you're good and he needs to meet your standards as a fun, surprising, self-respecting woman.

    Get someone who can show he loves you and accept it when your opinions differ from his and you "fight back"...a real man to you should never have to say he loves you because he shows it and can still be hot around you after the 1.5 year "honeymoon phase" wears off.

    Source(s): Been in two "friends to soul mates" relationships...both went sour after about a year. Not the way to go...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One day a week?

    I don't know what to make of your situation, but if I were in your shoes I'd be laying down the law:

    "You won't make time for me One day a week? It's not like I'm asking you to set yourself on fire for my sake."

    Sometimes, it doesn't pay to be the selfless one in a situation regarding a relationship. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down and say "But what about me!?"

    Sure alone time IS important but 6 days of alone time, and you only spend 5 hours with him a week? to hell with that, you need to remind him that you're in a relationship, and if he doesn't want to do what it takes to maintain a relationship then obviously you're going to have to pick up and find one elsewhere, because there is a certain type of attention that you need from a relationship, so if he's still being reluctant, you say "That's your problem, not our problem."

    Instead of troubling yourself with the millions of reasons 'why' because there are way too many and there's no way of telling exactly, instead focus on the fact that it happened, and leave it at that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're attracting the same type of mate. You're getting the brush off from your mates because they have the problem. I think you need to re-evaluate what you are looking for in a mate.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think he loves you like he says he does. Most couples want to see each other every moment they can. I myself do not understand him wanting to be by himself. Especially with your work schedule. I'm sorry, but that's what I think. Your wasting your time with him.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is your karma for listening to senseless garbage like korn, slipknot, crocus, and other shaz bat

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think the first track from the sublimnal veruses would relate to you right now

    "and now its over"

  • 1 decade ago

    stop being so possessive

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