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What would you do in this scenario????

On feb.9/06 my bestfriend of 5 years and soulmate of 2 broke off our engagement and it off with me. Telling me that one day we " Our stars will come back together". A week before he did everything he said to me that " I can't miss you if your always around and calling" " want time to my self". I gave him that. Now it's been 2 years and I have found someone new. We have been together for a 1 year and about 3 months. Yesterday he said the samething to me." I can't miss you if your always around, I want time to myself." The thing is I am always at work. get 2 to 5 hours 1 day a week to see him. And he still doesn't want me to see him. I call me at most 4 times. If I was way to busy at work I call me once to say goodnight. If that....So my question is what should I do? I want to give him his time to himself. But I am also very lost...why is he doing this? He says that he loves me but I am find it hard to please!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not sure if you talking about one guy doing the samething, or if you have two guys doing the samething. But really a consequence of you picking guys that really don't give you want you need, you gave in to easily. And you accept to little, it's the price you pay for not loving yourself and worshipping someone who doesn't love you, ether. Trust, with true love, there never is enough time.

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