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Problems with Windows XP Home, SP2, folder management.?
1. My "My Documents" folder is in "video" mode, and I can't figure out how to change it to "Documents" mode. I right-click folder (while in Desktop), click properties, but no customize tab there like other folders. Which brings me to...
2. I set my sub-folders to appropriate mode, but when I come back later, it has changed.
3. I set my folder "view" one way, but when I come back later, it has changed.
4. My folders wind up with thumbnail pictures on them, from completely unrelated folders, that I never set that way. Sometimes whole batches of sub-folders at a time.
I am the Administrator, and the only person who uses it. Dell Dimension 1100. Both my internal and external Hard Drives. Otherwise everything works fine. No crashes or lost data or anything like that.
Following perfectvelvet's advice, I confirmed "Remember each folder's view settings" is checked, but don't want all folders to view the same. Thanks though. :-)
Thank You ELfaGeek! To quote Ed McMahon, "You are correct Sir!". I did not understand perfectvelvet's instructions the way that you further explained them.
Problem #1 has definitely been resolved at this point. While I was there, I also hit "reset all folders", and "My Documents" are now in Documents mode. And My Pictures were already in Picture mode when I got there. Also, all files seem to be in Thumbnail view, which is my predominant preference.
I look forward to investigating further, later this afternoon, and hopefully applying this to my External Hard Drives as well. :-)
2 Answers
- ELfaGeekLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
"Following perfectvelvet's advice, I confirmed "Remember each folder's view settings" is checked, but don't want all folders to view the same. Thanks though."
Perfect Velvet's answer is right, but I'm not sure you understand it.
FIRST you set All Folders to your Preferred view, Icons for example. That corrects your initial problem.
NEXT, you verify that "Remember each folder's view settings" is checked. This allows you to save future changes.
Then, you can go to any other folder and modify how it looks based on your preference for ONLY that folder, and it will remember the new setting.
For, example, set all folders to Icons, and then you can choose Thumbnails in your "My Pictures" Folder and it will remember to use Thumbnails.
- xKLv 71 decade ago
The only thing I can think of for the folder view issue is something isn't checked.
Open the folder and change the view to what you want. Then go to Tools > Folder Options and click the 'View' tab. Under 'Folder Views', click the button that says 'Apply to all folders' then scroll through the Advanced Settings and make sure that 'Remember each folder's view setting' is checked.
Beyond that, my advice would be to go through Microsoft's knowledge database and see if you can find something else. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.