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What File Is Needed for my PC To Run Parallels Desktop?
Help! I have downloaded Parallels Desktop on my Mac so that I can run both XP & MAC at the sametime. Now I need to transfer the files. The instructions say that Parallels has to be installed on both computers. I can not Find the XP Application. Can Anyone Help??
Thanks A Million
2 Answers
- Richard FLv 41 decade agoFavorite Answer
What version of Parallels are you running? What files do you want to transfer?
There is a version of Parallels {Parallels Workstation 2.2} that lets you create Virtual machines {Guest OS like Linux, but not Mac} on a Windows system. It's networking capability lets you create a Bridged-Network so you could transfer files between compatible hardware systems. For information and pdf guides, take a look at:
There is a Free 15-day trial version and a link to download the 20mb windows EXE. If you want to continue to use if after a successful trial, the license is about $50. BTW, there are RPM, DEB, and TGZ versions for Linux system users.
On the Mac: Normally, you need to 1) install parallels on your Mac, 2) set-up/configure a Virtual Machine suitable for your Guest OS {Win-XP} and 3) Install and test the Guest OS. Have you done these steps? If not, start there. You must have a valid Win-XP install disk with a matching key.
After your Mac is set-up, you can start your Virtual Win-XP and install other programs you need, just as you would in an actual Win-XP system. You can transfer any Win-XP data files, by burning them to a CD-ROM, FTP or over the NW *if* you have a Bridged network available. If you have a host-only network, you may be able to place data files in a folder on the Mac and share them to the Virtual XP.
There is also a Parallels Transporter product that consists of two programs: 1) the Transporter and 2) the agent. It enables you to migrate selected volumes or the whole of a physical or virtual computer into a virtual machine or Parallels virtual disk. For more info see:
...which is just one of a number of guides available at:
If your version of Parallels for the Mac is 3.0, the transporter for the Mac should be part of the 83MB download. For Windows, the program should be named "Parallels-Tsp-3.0.4560-Win.exe", assuming your version is build # 4560. I suggest you contact support at get a link.
Unless there is some consideration you haven't indicated in your question, I think you are best off installing Win-XP, applications you need and related data {as described above} rather than trying to migrate an existing physical system.
- 5 years ago
RE: If I buy Parallels Desktop for Mac, will I need to buy Windows as well? I need to use Windows OS for Solid Works for school. I was told to run either Bootcamp or Parallels, and seems like I will have to spend money for software either way. If I run Bootcamp, I will need to buy Windows OS to run Windows in Bootcamp, but if I run Parallels, does it come with Windows...