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Is it possible to load XP software onto a new computer?
My laptop died. Since I have been doing more graphic work, I decided to get my first Mac. I would like to continue using some of my programs on my PC while learning the ins & outs of the MAC. I know that it is frowned upon by Mr. Gates but....... Is it possible to use the XP CD that came with my laptop on my new MAC?
The salesperson had mentioned BootCamp and it sounds like what I would like to do. If I load the XP software onto the Mac, will I still be able to get updates & patches?
3 Answers
- Rose DLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
Since you have a new, Intel based Mac, you can download Boot Camp from This is a program that will allow you to dual boot Windows and Mac OS. It comes with pretty detailed instructions when you download it and is very easy to install.
Edit - yes, you can still get updates and patches as long as it's a legal copy of XP. It behaves exactly like Windows on any other computer (including being vulnerable to viruses).
- KainoaLv 51 decade ago
You have a legal copy, no one can prevent you from loading it on your Mac or any other computer you may have.
You can run Windows on a Mac using VM Ware Fusion and Parallels. This allows you to run the OS in a window on the Mac where with Boot Camp you have the option to boot into either OS.
There's also Virtual PC which will run on non-Intel Macs.