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Pregnancy after loosing two precious babies, what are some things I can do to move on??

I have had 2 pregnancies in the past and both went horribly wrong. With my first pregnancy my water broke at 22 weeks(non viable gestation for the baby) and I was able to keep the pregnancy going for an extra 5 weeks. I delivered my daughter and she died 12 hours later because her lungs had never developed due to the constant leaking of amniotic fluid. The Docs said that it was a fluicky thing and it probably wouldn't happen agian. Well, with my second pregnancy my water broke at 21 weeks, my son was born still 10 hours later because my placenta had abrupted do the it's placement when my water broke. I'm a big puzzle to the doc's and they don't know whats wrong with me. I want to have another baby but I don't know how to get over the fear of this happening again. They said I would be monitored more closely next time and I would be seeing a Parenatologist (High risk pregnancy specialist) but it doesn't ease my mind any. I really want a baby but am soo scared about it happening again.


What are some ways that I can stay calm even before I conceive to keep my mind clear and my body less stressed?

If anyone would like to see my beautiful babies memorial sites pleace visit this link. Then in Mckala Garner and Bradley Garner.

Thanks for all the replies.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost two babies also. The first was at 17 wks and then another at 19weeks. My water just broke both times. I did have a baby last year, but my cervix thinned out at 29 wks and I was put on bed rest. I delivered at 35 wks. I am now pregnant again and my cervix thinned out again at 20 wks. My ob place a stitch around my cervix called a cerclage and I am on bed rest at 28 weeks right now. Dr's may say that you experienced PROM or PPROM , but an incompetent cervix can cause your water to break also. If this is what you suffer from, it can be easily and safely treated by placing a cerclage between 12-16wks. Ask your Dr. Good luck

    Please keep in mind that you are not alone. There are may support groups on the internet for women who have suffered mc or stillborn. I have a feeling you will figure this out and be able to concieve. Don't give up.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    First off, you wish to have a few counseling. you've got skilled anything stressful and need help getting over that. Pregnancy is not going to support out your drawback. Pregnancy is riddled with very vibrant goals, a few now not so best, so is youngster rearing. If you're not able to manage what appears like a infrequent incidence of any person else's little one having an abnormality, a lot much less either one of the ones toddlers, you might not be competent to manage the goals and ideas that the hormones rationale for the duration of being pregnant. Talk to any person (rather then your husband) and get extra perception on dealing with any person else's loss, then speak for your husband approximately your emotions, now not your concerns. When pregnant, those identical feeling will keep to arise, and although early youngster mortality is now a lot greater, we do nonetheless have occurrences... watch out, get a cut down, speak for your husband, deal with your pregnant frame, and through that, your little one. Things will have to be first-class.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so very sorry to hear of your losses. It is a horrible thing to lose a child, regardless of timing or circumstance.

    I think you need to surround yourself with supportive people and seek professional counseling. There are support groups for women and families who have lost children. You may be able to access them through your OB/midwife or the internet or a local religious group. The professional counseling may help with discovering methods of healing and coping in a healthy and productive way.

    As for subsequent pregnancies, this will always be a worry for you and you will definitely need to see a perinatologist for every pregnancy you have. You should probably also see an obstetrician for each pregnancy instead of opting for a midwife.

    There is a wonderful book called A Wise Woman's Guide to the Childbearing Year. It has all sorts of natural ways of keeping a pregnancy when you have a history of stillbirth or miscarriage, as well as all sorts of other remedies for childbearing-related ailments. I highly recommend you buy it and also seek out some naturopathic professionals in your area from which you can learn other natural methods of keeping a pregnancy from ending prematurely.

    I'm so sorry this is happening to you and I hope you can have many beautiful children to join your memories of your beautiful lost ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just keep trying. If all else fails, there's always adoption.

    My mom had the same problem.

    On her first try, she had me.

    She got pregnant 11 other times,

    The first 10 were all early miscarriages and I was younger and they never even told me because she hadn't gotten far enough to be getting bigger enough to notice.

    The last time, the baby was due in November and was born in June.

    He lived a few hours and eventually died,

    She wanted another baby, but she had tried so many times she didn't want to again, she considerd adoption but never went through with it.

    But just keep trying.

    Good luck. =)

  • 1 decade ago

    Go see the specialist now, before you get pregnant again. They can give you advice, genetic testing and counselling. They will be able to tell you what is going on and if another pregnancy would be successful. I'd say do this BEFORE getting pregnant again because once pregnant you have all those emotions and the baby's health involved.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am so sOrry!! i just watched the memorials, i cried so much!! i truly hOpe yOu get Better, and your babies were beautiful.. I'll pray tO God you can have a healthy baby, and with the high risk pregnancy dr i think you should feel safer.. anyways, i really dont know what tO say except for Sorry, and staY strOng!* God Bless you and your angels!!*

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