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Transmission concerns?

Car: 1995 Nissan Altima auto with 102k miles.

While accelerating from a stop with the engine cold the transmission will sort of stop before shifting into 2nd gear. If I give it gas from a stop and wind it up to 3500-4000 rpm and let go og the gas it will momentarily stay there before going into 2nd gear. If I drive normally without letting off the accelerator it tends to shift hard into 2nd. I checked the fluid and level but it looks okay. I don't really know what else to check. Will a tranny flush help?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Regardless whether it will help or not, if it hasn't had the tranny fluid replaced twice by now since new it needs it like yesterday. Make sure they drop the pan and replace the filter first if it has one before they do the flush. I say this because my previous automatic Nissan and current Honda do not have a filter to replace, you just flush it or drain and fill with fluid, the filter is permanent one inside the tranny.

    My last Nissan would hang onto first a little longer when cold so I always made sure to drive off easy and gently for the first mile or so, as well as a hard shift into second, when warm it operated great.

    That Nissan was 20 years old before I sold it and the tranny was never opened, I replaced fluid yearly on it since it was cheap and easy, just drain and re-filled it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How does the fluid look besides just the level? Hopefully red or at least very pink. If it's brown or black, that's very bad.

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